Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Member of the editorial boards
Nicolas Broutin is member of the steering committee of the international meeting on analysis of algorithms (AofA).
Philippe Robert is Associate Editor of the Book Series “Mathématiques et Applications” edited by Springer Verlag and Associate Editor of the journal “Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications”.
Invited talks
Cédric Bourdais, Sarah Eugene , Philippe Robert and Wen Sun] have been invited to the Young European Queueing Theorists (YEQT'9) workshop in Eindhoven in November 2015.
Nicolas Broutin has given lectures at annual meeting of the ALEA working group of the GDR-IM, the workshop GRAAL that took place at IHES, at the workshop organized in honor of Svante Janson's 60's birthday in Sweden, and the workshop on geometric networks at the Symposium on Computational Geometry that was held in Einhoven. He gave a plenary lecture at the conference on analysis of algorithms that was held in Strobl in June. He has also exposed his results at the probability seminar in Grenoble, the seminar of algorithmic and combinatorial geometry at IHP, and at the probability seminar of the NYU-ECNU Math institute in Shanghai.
Christine Fricker and Guilherme Thompson participated to ITC 27 (International Teletraffic Congress) in Ghent in September 2015.
Renaud Dessalles, Philippe Robert and Wen Sun gave talks at INFORMS Applied Probability Conference in July 2015 in Istanbul.
Philippe Robert gave a talk at the department of mathematics at the University of Novosibirsk, in October 2015.