Section: Application Domains


The concept for long term storage of high-level radioactive waste in France under study is based on an underground repository. The waste shall be confined in a glass matrix and then placed into cylindrical steel canisters. These containers shall be placed into micro-tunnels in the highly impermeable Callovo-Oxfordian claystone layer at a depth of several hundred meters. At the request of the French nuclear waste management agency ANDRA, investigations are conducted to optimize and finalize this repository concept with the aim to ensure its long-term safety and its reversibility. The long-term safety assessment of the geological repository has to take into account the degradation of the carbon steel used for the waste overpacks and the cell disposal liners, which are in contact with the claystone formation. This degradation is mainly caused by generalized corrosion processes which form a passive layer on the metal surface consisting of a dense oxide inner layer and a porous hydroxide outer layer in contact with the groundwater in the pore space of the claystones. The processes take place under anaerobic conditions, since the groundwater is anoxic.

As a tool to investigate the corrosion processes at the surface of the carbon steel canisters, the Diffusion Poisson Coupled Model (DPCM) for corrosion has been developed by Bataillon et al. [1] . The numerical approximation of this corrosion model and some associated models by accurate and efficient methods is challenging. Theoretical study of the models (existence of solutions, long time behavior) is also worth of interest.