Section: New Results

Scheduling and placement for HPC

With the complexification of the architecture of HPC nodes (multicores, non uniform memory access, GPU and accelerators), a recent trend in application development is to explicitely express the computations as a task graph, and rely on a specialized middleware stack to make scheduling decisions and implement them. Traditional algorithms used in this community are dynamic heuristics, to cope with the unpredictability of execution times. In [17] , [18] we analyze the performance of static and hybrid strategies, obtained by adding more static (resp. dynamic) features into dynamic (resp. static) strategies. Our conclusions are somehow unexpected in the sense that we prove that static-based strategies are very efficient, even in a context where performance estimations are not very good.

Another study [13] focuses on the memory-constrained case, where tasks may produce large data. A task can only be executed if all input and output data fit into memory, and a data can only be removed from memory after the completion of the task that uses it as an input data. Trees of such tasks arise in the multifrontal method of sparse matrix factorization. Minimizing the peak memory required on a single processor is well studied, [13] extends the problem to multiple processors, where both makespan and memory need to be minimized. We study the computational complexity of this problem and provide inapproximability results even for unit weight trees. We design a series of practical heuristics achieving different trade-offs between the minimization of peak memory usage and makespan. Some of these heuristics are able to process a tree while keeping the memory usage under a given memory limit. The different heuristics are evaluated in an extensive experimental evaluation using realistic trees.

In [20] , we perform another study of static, dynamic and hybrid strategies in the context of load balancing and data placement for matrix multiplication in heterogeneous machines. Through a set of extensive simulations, we analyze the behavior of static, dynamic, and hybrid strategies, and we assess the possible benefits of introducing more static knowledge and allocation decisions in runtime libraries. In [21] , we consider the purely static problem, modeled as a partitioning of a square into a set of zones of prescribed areas, while minimizing the overall size of their projections onto horizontal and vertical axes. We combine two ideas from the literature (recursive partitioning, and optimal solution structure for low number of processors) to obtain a non-rectangular recursive partitioning (NRRP), whose approximation ratio is 231.15, improving over the previous 1.25 ratio. Moreover, we observe on a large set of realistic platforms built from CPUs and GPUs that this proposed NRRP algorithm allows to achieve very efficient partitionings on all considered cases.