Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Team

  • Title: Synergies for Ameliorations and Mastering of Branch-and-Price Algorithms

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil) & Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (Chile)

  • Start year: 2011-13 and 2014-16

  • See also: https://realopt.bordeaux.inria.fr/?page_id=573

  • SAMBA is a research project between the Inria project team ReAlOpt (Bordeaux, France), the ADT-Lab Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, and the LOGIS at the Universidade Federal Fluminense. The project is supported by Inria under the “associate team” framework for an initial period of three years (2011-2013) and was renewed for another three years period (2014-2016) with additional partners at the Operations Research and Complex Systems Group School of Business, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Chile, and the LIRMM at the University of Montpellier.

    Quantitative models are important tools for strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making. Many underlying optimization problems are discrete in nature. They are modeled as linear programs with integer variables, so called Mixed Integer Programs (MIP). Their solution is es- sentially based on enumeration techniques, which is notoriously difficult given the huge size ofthe solution set. Powerful generic commercial solvers for MIP are available, but despite continuous progress, the existing tools can be overwhelmed when problem complexity or size increases.

    Decomposition approaches are primary tools to expand the capabilities of MIP solution techniques. When the application presents a decomposable constraint system, the so-called “Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition” consists in reformulating the problem as a selection of a specific solution for each individual subsystems that together satisfy the linking constraints. In practice, the individual subsystem solutions are brougth in the formulation in the course of the opti- mization if they can lead to improvement in the objective value. On the other hand, “Benders’ decomposition applies when the the application presents a decomposable system of variables, as traditional in stocahstic two-stage optimization models where main decisions are taken prior to knowing the realization ofr random data, while second stage decision are adjusments that can be done once the true value of data is revealed. In this context, one solves the first stage model and check a posteriori the feasibilility of the second stage. In case the second stage is infeasible, a constraint on the first stage variables is induced that aim to account for the cause of second stage infeasibility, and the processus reiterates.

    Both of these decomposition approaches are perceived as requiring an application specific implementation for tractability in scaling-up to real-life applications. Our research aim at developing generic methods for these and algorithmic enhancements to can yield significant speed-ups in practice and have sound theoretical basis. Such research includes methodological developments (such as stabilization techniques for improved convergence, preprocessing rules, dynamic aggregation-and-disagregation), algorithms strategies (such as mutli-column/cut generation strategies, pre-evaluation of enumerated subproblem strategies – so-called strong branching), and efficient implementations (code re-engineering of our software platform BaPCod).

    Beyond the methodological developments, our motivations are to set new benchmarks on standard combinatorial problems and industrial applications. In particular, we proceed to extend our techniques to the context of dynamic optimization. In a stochastic environment, the aim is to build a planning that are robust to perturbations in the sense that it can be adapted dynamically in reaction to the observed changes in the predicted data.

    The project builds on the accumulated experience of both the Brazilian, the Chilean and the French teams that have done pioneering work in tackling complex applications and deriving generic solution strategies using this decomposition approach.