Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair

Jean-Michel Poggi:

  • Organization of the session: Wavelet Methods in Statistics, at the 8th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, London, 12-14 December 2015.

  • Organization of two sessions on MOOCs, ENBIS 2015, 6-10 Sept 2015, Prague. 1) Presentation session on MOOCs, 2) Realization of MOOCs – technology, content and funding opportunities.

  • Organisation of the conference: “MOOC et formation continue en statistique”, 3 mars 2015, IHP, Paris.

Member of the organizing committees

Gilles Celeux is one of the co-organizers of the international working group on model-based clustering. This year this workshop took place in Seattle (USA).


Member of the editorial boards

Gilles Celeux is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal de la SFdS. He is Associate Editor of Statistics and Computing, CSBIGS.

Pascal Massart is Associate Editor of Annals of Statistics, Confluentes Mathematici, and Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.

Jean-Michel Poggi is Associate Editor of Journal of Statistical Software, Journal de la SFdS and CSBIGS. He is also editor (with A. Antoniadis, X. Brossat) of a Lecture Notes in Statistics: Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimension, Springer 2015.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

The members of the team have reviewed numerous papers for numerous international journals.

Invited talks

The members of the team have given many invited talks on their research in the course of 2015.

Leadership within the scientific community

Jean-Michel Poggi is:

  • Vice-President ENBIS (European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics), 2015-18

  • Vice-President FENStatS (Federation of European National Statistical Societies) since 2012

  • Council Member of the ISI (2015-19)

  • Member of the Board of Directors of the ERS of IASC (since 2014)

Scientific expertise

Jean-Michel Poggi is member of the EMS Committee for Applied Mathematics (since 2014).

Research administration

Jean-Michel Poggi is the president of ECAS (European Courses in Advanced Statistics) since 2015