Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
Abstract: Interior point algorithms and a dramatic growth in computing power have revolutionized optimization in the last two decades. Highly nonlinear problems which were previously thought intractable are now routinely solved at reasonable scales. Semidefinite programs (i.e. linear programs on the cone of positive semidefinite matrices) are a perfect example of this trend: reasonably large, highly nonlinear but convex eigenvalue optimization problems are now solved efficiently by reliable numerical packages. This in turn means that a wide array of new applications for semidefinite programming have been discovered, mimicking the early development of linear programming. To cite only a few examples, semidefinite programs have been used to solve collaborative filtering problems (e.g. make personalized movie recommendations), approximate the solution of combinatorial programs, optimize the mixing rate of Markov chains over networks, infer dependence patterns from multivariate time series or produce optimal kernels in classification problems. These new applications also come with radically different algorithmic requirements. While interior point methods solve relatively small problems with a high precision, most recent applications of semidefinite programming in statistical learning for example form very large-scale problems with comparatively low precision targets, programs for which current algorithms cannot form even a single iteration. This proposal seeks to break this limit on problem size by deriving reliable first-order algorithms for solving large-scale semidefinite programs with a significantly lower cost per iteration, using for example subsampling techniques to considerably reduce the cost of forming gradients. Beyond these algorithmic challenges, the proposed research will focus heavily on applications of convex programming to statistical learning and signal processing theory where optimization and duality results quantify the statistical performance of coding or variable selection algorithms for example. Finally, another central goal of this work will be to produce efficient, customized algorithms for some key problems arising in machine learning and statistics.
Title: Sparse Representations and Compressed Sensing Training Network
Abstract: The SpaRTaN Initial Training Network will train a new generation of interdisciplinary researchers in sparse representations and compressed sensing, contributing to Europe’s leading role in scientific innovation.
By bringing together leading academic and industry groups with expertise in sparse representations, compressed sensing, machine learning and optimisation, and with an interest in applications such as hyperspectral imaging, audio signal processing and video analytics, this project will create an interdisciplinary, trans-national and inter-sectorial training network to enhance mobility and training of researchers in this area.
SpaRTaN is funded under the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN call and is part of the Marie Curie Actions — Initial Training Networks (ITN) funding scheme: Project number - 607290
Abstract: The aim of this Innovative Training Network is to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early stage researchers (ESRs) in the research area of measurement and estimation of signals using knowledge or data about the underlying structure.
We will develop new robust and efficient Machine Sensing theory and algorithms, together methods for a wide range of signals, including: advanced brain imaging; inverse imaging problems; audio and music signals; and non-traditional signals such as signals on graphs. We will apply these methods to real-world problems, through work with non-Academic partners, and disseminate the results of this research to a wide range of academic and non-academic audiences, including through publications, data, software and public engagement events.
MacSeNet is funded under the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 call and is part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions — Innovative Training Networks (ITN) funding scheme.