Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Pascal Fradet, Théorie des Langages 1, 18 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Xavier Nicollin, Algorithmique et Structures de données 1, 22,5 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Licence : Xavier Nicollin, Théorie des Langages 2, 18 HeqTD, niveau L3, Grenoble INP (Ensimag), France
Master : Jean-Bernard Stefani, Formal aspects of component software, 6h, MOSIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France
PhD: Vagelis Bebelis, “Boolean Parametric Data Flow – Modeling – Analyses – Implementation”, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, defended on February 26th 2015, co-advised by Pascal Fradet and Alain Girault.
PhD: Dmitry Burlyaev, “Design, Optimization, and Formal Verification of Circuit Fault-Tolerance Techniques”, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, defended on November 26th 2015, co-advised by Pascal Fradet and Alain Girault.
PhD in progress: Yoann Geoffroy, “Towards a general causality analysis framework”, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, since October 2013, advised by Gregor Gössler.
PhD in progress: Christophe Prévot, “Early Performance assessment for evolving and variable Cyber-Physical Systems”, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, since November 2015, advised by Alain Girault and Sophie Quinton.
Alain Girault was member of the PhD jury of Paul-Antoine Arras (Univ. Bordeaux).
Alain Girault was referee for the PhD of Julien Heulot (INSA Rennes).
Jean-Bernard Stefani was president of the PhD jury of Jakub Zwolakowski (U. Paris-Diderot).
Jean-Bernard Stefani was member of the HDR jury of Philippe Merle (U. Lille).
Jean-Bernard Stefani was referee for the HDR of Luc Fabresse (U. Lille).
Jean-Bernard Stefani was referee for the PhD of Vincent Lanore (ENS Lyon).
Sophie Quinton was member of the jury for a “Maître de Conférences” position in Nancy.