Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
A. Bostan has served in the organizing committee of the Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF 2015), the annual meeting of the French computer algebra community.
A. Mahboubi has served in the organizing and scientific committees of Mathematics, Algorithms and Proofs (MAP 2016).
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
A. Bostan is part of the Scientific advisory board of the conference series Conference on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA).
F. Chyzak has served as a conference program committee member for the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2015).
A. Mahboubi has served as a program committee member for the 25th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 25).
A. Mahboubi has served as a program committee member for the 21st International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2015).
A. Mahboubi has served as a program committee member for the Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP 2015).
A. Bostan has served as reviewer for the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2015).
F. Chyzak has served as reviewer for the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2015).
A. Mahboubi has served as reviewer for the international conferences NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2015), Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2015), Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA 2015), Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2015) and for the national conference Journées Nationales des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2015).
Th. Sibut-Pinote has served as reviewer for the International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2015).
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
A. Bostan has served as reviewer for the Journal of Symbolic Computation, the Journal of Complexity and Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing.
F. Chyzak has served several times as a reviewer for the Journal of Symbolic Computation.
A. Mahboubi has served as a reviewer for the Journal of Formalized Reasoning and several times for Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Invited talks
A. Bostan has given an invited 3-hours lecture at the Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire in Ellwangen, Germany (March 2015) and another 3-hours lecture at the SFB-Workshop on Restricted Lattice Walks in RISC, Hagenberg, Austria (May 2015).
A. Bostan has given an invited talk in the conference Automatic Sequences, Number Theory, and Aperiodic Order, held at the Technical University of Delft, Netherlands (Oct 2015).
A. Bostan has given a talk during the Thematic Program on Computer Algebra (Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, September 2015).
F. Chyzak has given a number of talks on his ongoing work (joint with A. Bostan of the team) on obtaining hypergeometric closed-form expressions in the enumerative combinatorics of walks: Functional Equations in Limoges (Limoges, March 2015), Thematic Program on Computer Algebra (Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, September 2015), Séminaire Philippe Flajolet (Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, October 2015).
A. Mahboubi has given an invited talk common to the conferences 14th Asian Logic Conference (ALC 15) and 6th Indian Conference on Logic and its Application (ICLA 15), in Mumbai, India (January 2015).
A. Mahboubi has given an invited talk to the Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory / Univalent Foundations, satellite of the International Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming, in Warsaw, Poland (July 2015).
A. Mahboubi has given a talk during the Thematic Program on Computer Algebra (Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, December 2015).
Scientific expertise
F. Chyzak is member of the steering committee of the Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel (JNCF 2015), the annual meeting of the French computer algebra community.
A. Mahboubi has been nominated as a member of the managment committee the COST action EUTYPES (CA15123) The European research network on types for programming and verification, coordinated by Herman Geuvers.