Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • License : E. Arnaud, Mathematics for engineer, 50h, L1, University of Grenoble, France.

  • License : E. Arnaud, Mathematics upgrade, 14h, L1, University of Grenoble, France.

  • Master : E. Arnaud, Advising students on apprenticeship, 28h, M2, University of Grenoble, France.

  • Master : E. Arnaud, Programming project in image processing, 20h, M1, University of Grenoble, France.

  • Master : E. Arnaud, Image processing, 18h, M2, University of Grenoble, France.

  • GRETSI Summer school : E. Prados, “Les véritables enjeux environnementaux, modélisations et outils quantitatifs”, 3-hour course, France, 21-27th of June, 2015. http://www.gretsi.fr/peyresq15/

  • Pedagogical resources : Elise Arnaud, Mathematics for engineer, L1, University of Grenoble, France. (video http://tinyurl.com/youtube-mat126 , all documents for problem-based learning)


  • PhD in progress: Thomas Capelle, “LUTI Calibration as Optimization Problem and Algorithms for Solving them”, 2013, Peter Sturm and Arthur Vidard (AIRSEA).

  • PhD in progress: Luciano Gervasoni, “Data mining for integrated land use and transportation models”, 2015, Peter Sturm and Serge Fenet (LIRIS, Lyon).

  • PhD in progress: Laurent Gilquin, “Sensitivity analysis of a macroeconomic LUTI model”, started in October 2013, E. Arnaud and C. Prieur (MOISE).

  • PhD in progress: Jean-Yves Courtonne, “Analyse d'impacts environnementaux et aide à la décision sur des territoires locaux, du bassin d'emploi à la région”, started in Spring 2014. Denis Dupré (CERAG/UGA and STEEP/Inria) and Pierre-Yves Longaretti (IPAG/UGA and STEEP/Inria), PhD advisors.

  • PhD in progress: Coline Byczek, “Analyse de réseaux de services écosystémiques dans le bassin d'emploi grenoblois”, started in 2012. Sandra Lavorel (LECA/UGA) and Pierre-Yves Longaretti (IPAG/UGA and STEEP/Inria), PhD advisors.

  • PhD in progress: Rémy Lasseur, “Modélisation et cartographie multi-échelles des faisceaux de services écosystémiques”, started in Fall 2014. Sandra Lavorel (LECA/UGA) and Pierre-Yves Longaretti (IPAG/UGA and STEEP/Inria), PhD advisors.

  • Internship: Bérangère Deforche work objective was to characterize the potential of organic farming in the Grenoble area. The motivation of this work was to evaluate if the growing demand on this front could be supplied locally, and more generally assess the extent of potential autonomy of the Grenoble area in terms of basic staple supply. The internship included a component on the potential of urban agricultural production, which eventually became the most important part of the work due to lack of time. The results obtained in this work are disappointing, due to a lack of mastery of GIS tools on the part of the student, and her slow learning curve.

  • Internship: Bappa Muktar worked on the development of software Wassily for environmental-extended input-output analysis. In particular, he documented the existing code and the installation process of the various modules needed on both PC and Mac platforms. He then worded on the database and matrix computation modules and tested them with real datasets (e.g. French Input-Output table coupled with CO2 emissions by economic sector).

  • Internship: Solange developed animations for explaining 3D computer vision algorithms, a work related to the previous research domain of Peter Sturm who supervised this internship.

  • Internship: Patricio developed the QGIS_Tranus_Reports software, see above.


Peter Sturm was reviewer for the following PhD theses:

  • Danda Pani Paudel, Université de Bourgogne.

  • Dongming Chen, Ecole Centrale de Lyon.

  • Sebastian Haner, Lund University, Sweden.