Section: New Software and Platforms
The StarPU Runtime System
Keywords: HPC - Scheduling - GPU - Multicore - Performance
Scientific Description
Traditional processors have reached architectural limits which heterogeneous multicore designs and hardware specialization (e.g. coprocessors, accelerators, ...) intend to address. However, exploiting such machines introduces numerous challenging issues at all levels, ranging from programming models and compilers to the design of scalable hardware solutions. The design of efficient runtime systems for these architectures is a critical issue. StarPU typically makes it much easier for high performance libraries or compiler environments to exploit heterogeneous multicore machines possibly equipped with GPGPUs or Cell processors: rather than handling low-level issues, programmers may concentrate on algorithmic concerns.Portability is obtained by the means of a unified abstraction of the machine. StarPU offers a unified offloadable task abstraction named "codelet". Rather than rewriting the entire code, programmers can encapsulate existing functions within codelets. In case a codelet may run on heterogeneous architectures, it is possible to specify one function for each architectures (e.g. one function for CUDA and one function for CPUs). StarPU takes care to schedule and execute those codelets as efficiently as possible over the entire machine. In order to relieve programmers from the burden of explicit data transfers, a high-level data management library enforces memory coherency over the machine: before a codelet starts (e.g. on an accelerator), all its data are transparently made available on the compute resource.Given its expressive interface and portable scheduling policies, StarPU obtains portable performances by efficiently (and easily) using all computing resources at the same time. StarPU also takes advantage of the heterogeneous nature of a machine, for instance by using scheduling strategies based on auto-tuned performance models.
StarPU is a task programming library for hybrid architectures
The application provides algorithms and constraints: - CPU/GPU implementations of tasks - A graph of tasks, using either the StarPU's high level GCC plugin pragmas or StarPU's rich C API
StarPU handles run-time concerns - Task dependencies - Optimized heterogeneous scheduling - Optimized data transfers and replication between main memory and discrete memories - Optimized cluster communications
Rather than handling low-level scheduling and optimizing issues, programmers can concentrate on algorithmic concerns!
Functional Description
StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible.