Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Grants with Industry
Total is granting the CIFRE PhD thesis of Corentin Rossignon on Sparse GMRES on heterogeneous platforms in oil extraction simulation from april 2012 to march 2015.
CEA is granting the CIFRE PhD thesis of Emmanuelle Saillard (2012-2015) on Static/Dynamic Analysis for the validation and optimization of parallel applications, Grégory Vaumourin (2013-2016) on Hybrid Memory Hierarchy and Dynamic data optimization for embedded parallel architectures, Emmanuel Cieren (2012-2015) on Molecular Dynamics on Exascale Supercomputers, and Jean-Charles Papin (2013-2016) on Potential-based Dynamic Scheduling techniques and Partitioning tools for domain decomposition simulations.
CEA together with the Aquitaine Region Council is funding the PhD thesis of Marc Sergent (2013-2016) on Scalability for Task-based Runtimes.
This contract between IMACS an EADS France aims to develop a state of the art library for fast iterative, direct and hybrid methods, efficient on new heterogeneous parallel and hybrid architectures, that can be used on Boundary Element Methods. Applications targeted are acoustics, elastodynamics and electromagnetism. The contrat grants 2 year engineer for the parallelization of the library based on StarPU.