Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Participants: Cécile Germain-Renaud, Julien Nauroy, Karima Rafes, Lovro Ilisajic, Gaetan Marceau Caron
ROM Model Reduction and Multiphysics Optimization, 2014-2016 (50 Keuros)
Participants: Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, François Gonard (PhD)
ISN A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Matching Job Openings and Job Seekers, 2013-2016 (105 kEuros)
AutoML An empirical approach to Machine Learning, 2014-2017 (104 kEuros)
ReMODeL Rewarded Multimodal Online Deep Learning, 2015-2016 (31,5 kEuros)
This project lies at the junction of reinforcement learning, deep learning, computational neuroscience and developmental robotic fields. It is closely related to the transversal DIGITEO robotic theme, Roboteo.
Participants: Michèle Sebag, Mathieu Lefort, Alexander Gepperth
AMIQAP, 2015-2016 (12 months of Postdoctoral fellow). Project funded by ISN