Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
Inria Chile
Associate Team involved in the International Lab:
Title: Stochastic modelling of biology and renewable energies
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
This French-Chilean Associated Team deals with stochastic modeling and simulation issues for renewable energies (wind and waves) and neurosciences. It is a follow-up of a long collaboration in which each of the side takes benefit from the other side know-how and structures. This project aims at transfering and valuing to Chilean companies the results of researches on renewable energies, mainly wind prediction at the windfarm's scale and waves energy potential of a site using video.
Mireille Bossy is managing the WINDPOS project, in collaboration with Antoine Rousseau (Lemon team) and two engineers of Inria Chile, Cristian Paris and Jacques Morice. Based on the stochastic Lagrangian modeling of the wind at small scale (see SDM software ), WINDPOS aims to develop a wind farm simulator software, able to provide fine statistical information for the managing of electricity production.
This year the WINDPOS project focused on the validation of the approach by comparison with measurements. We also tested the simulation of a 10 mills farm in complexe terrain with strong elevation.
Antoine Lejay is working with Rolando Rebolledo (PUC) on the stochastic modeling of the Oscillating Water Column to transform waves into energy.