Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Promotion of Mathematics in the industry
M. Deaconu was invited to give a talk at the Workshop Table ronde Assurance, on october 2015, in Luxembourg.
D. Talay continued to serve as the Vice-President of the Fondation d'Entreprise Natixis which aims to contribute to develop research in quantitative finance. He also serves as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation.
D. Talay continued to serve as a member of the Scientific Committee of the AMIES National Agency aimed to promote interactions between Mathematics and Industry.
Scientific events organisation
M. Deaconu organized an interdisciplinary workshop: Avalanches and rupture phenomena, 3-4 February 2015 in Nancy. URL:
E. Tanré animates a transverse working group . In 2015, Philip Protter (Columbia University) gave lectures on Brownian Motion and Poisson Processes (six courses with around 45 participants issued from 12 teams).
E. Tanré has organized two mini-courses for the interdisciplinary axe of University of Nice “Modélisation Théorique et Computationnelle en Neurosciences et Sciences Cognitives”. B. de Saporta (University of Montpellier) gave a course on Piecewise deterministic Markov Processes. M. Thieullen (University Paris 6) gave a course on a “Probabilistic study of membrane potential models, including ionic channels.”
D. Villemonais organized a mini-symposium at the Congrès SMAI 2015, at Les Karellis in June 2015.
Member of the organizing committees
J. Inglis and E. Tanré were members of the organizing committee of the First International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience (ICMNS) in Juan-les-Pins (June 2015), 170 participants.
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
D. Talay organized and chaired the NASPDE 2015 conference in Sophia Antipolis (September 2015), 50 participants.
Member of the conference program committees
A. Lejay is member of the conference program committees of CANUM 2016 (Obernai, France) and Journées de Probabilités 2015 (Toulouse, France).
D. Talay served as a member of the scientific committee of the First International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience (ICMNS) in Juan-les-Pins (June 2015), 2015 Conference in Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics in Chile (September 2015), Conference in the honor of Vlad Bally (Le Mans, October 2015).
Member of the editorial boards
N. Champagnat served as an Associate Editor of Stochastic Models.
A. Lejay is one of the three editors of the Séminaire de Probabilités.
M. Bossy served as an Associate Editor of Annals of Applied Probability.
D. Talay served as an Associate Editor of: Stochastic Processes and their Applications, ESAIM Probability and Statistics, Stochastics and Dynamics, Journal of Scientific Computing, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Oxford IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Éditions de l'École Polytechnique. He also served as the Co-editor in chief of MathematicS in Action.
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
M. Bossy wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Bernoulli Journal, Stochastic Processes and their Applications.
N. Champagnat wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Journal of Mathematical Biology, Bernoulli Journal, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Journal of Theoretical Biology.
M. Deaconu wrote reviews for Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society (MathSciNet) and for manuscripts submitted to Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées and Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications.
C. Fritsch wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Stochastic Models and Ecological Modelling.
J. Inglis wrote reviews for Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society (MathSciNet) and for manuscripts submitted to Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré.
A. Lejay wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Electronic Journal of Probability, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Scientific Computing. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Probability and Mathematical StatisticsSIAM Journal of Control and Optimization and SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis.
E. Tanré wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Bernoulli Journal, The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, Applied Mathematical Finance, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics.
D. Villemonais wrote reviews forMathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society (MathSciNet) and for manuscripts submitted to Science China Mathematics, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Theoretical Population Biology and Electronic Communications in Probability.
Invited talks
M. Bossy has been invited to give talks at the Workshop on “Subgrid-scale modeling for particle simulations in LES” (Chatou) in March, at the Workshop EDS Incertitudes of GDR MascotNum (Paris) in May, at the workshop “probabilistic numerical methods for non-linear PDE” ICL (London) in June, and at the NASPDE Workshop, (Sophia Antipolis) in September.
M. Bossy gave seminar talks at the MFEE departement EDF Chatou, and a Colloqium talk at LJAD (Nice) in November.
N. Champagnat has been invited to give talks at the Conference on Probability and Biological Evolution at CIRM (Luminy), Marseille in June; at the MMEE 2015 conference (Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution) in Paris in July; the Workshop on Probabilistic models in Biology in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, in October; and the Colloque Franco-Maghrébin en Analyse Stochastique in Nice in November.
M. Deaconu has been invited to give talks to the Eighth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 26-July 1, 2015, Iaşi, Romania; and the Rencontre EDP/Probas, March 6, 2015, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.
C. Fritsch has been invited to give talks at the Congrès SMAI 2015, at Les Karellis in June and at the MMEE 2015 conference (Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution) in Paris in July.
B. Henry has been invited to give talks at the Congrès SMAI 2015, at Les Karellis in June and at the SPA Conference (Sotchastic processes and applications) in Oxford in July. He also presented a poster at the MMEE 2015 conference (Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution) (Paris, July).
J. Inglis gave a talk at the workshop QFT methods in neuronal networks dynamics at the University of Bielefeld, as part of the Mathemacs European project.
A. Lejay has been invited to give talks at the Conference in honor of Professor Vlad Bally (Le Mans, October), the conference Stochastic Analysis and Numerical Perspectives (Sophia-Antipolis, September), the AMS / EMS / SPM International Meeting (Porto, June), the Stochastic analysis, controlled dynamical systems an applications (Iena, February).
A. Lejay also gave seminar talks at Univ. Paris 6 in June, Univ. Marne-la-Vallée in May and CMAP (École Polytechnique) in February.
P. Pigato gave seminar talks at the Séminaire de probabilités et statistiques of IECL, Univ. Lorraine, in November, and at the Séminaire de probabilités et statistiques of Laboratoire Dieudonné, Univ. Nice, in December.
A. Richard gave an invited talk at the French-Maghrebi conference on stochastic analysis held in Nice in November, and seminar talks at the IECL Probability Seminar in March, at the Seminar of the CIMFAV (Valparaíso) in June.
K. Salhi gave a talk at the 8th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics (Le mans, September 2015) . He also participated to the Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management bootcamp 2015 organized by SYMMYS (New York University, July 2015).
D. Talay gave a seminar at Ecole Polytechnique in March and at Paris 6 university in May.
D. Talay gave an invited talk at the 2015 Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Mathematicla Physics (Chile, September 2015) and at the Conference of the Honor of Vlad Bally (Le Mans, October 2015).
E. Tanré gave invited talks at the ANR SloFaDyBio meeting in March, at an HBP-EITN workshop in April, and a seminar talk at the IECL Probability Seminar in October.
D. Villemonais has been invited to give a lecture on quasi-stationary distributions at the LPMA (Paris) during the Thematic meeting of the STAB ANR project of November 2015.
Scientific expertise
M. Bossy wrote reports about research projects submitted to the PACA Region council.
M. Bossy was member of the hiring committee 26 PRF 4320 (Univ. Nice).
N. Champagnat reported on a proposal submitted to ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).
N. Champagnat was member of the hiring committee 26 MCF 1219 (Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III).
M. Deaconu was member of the hiring committee 26 MCF 0221 (Univ. Bourgogne) and of the hiring committee 26 MCF 80 (Univ. Bordeaux).
D. Villemonais was member of the hiring committee 26 MCF 0706 (IUT de Dijon).
D. Talay reported on applications to Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.
D. Talay participated in a Professor position recruitment committee at Paris 7 University.
Research administration
M. Bossy has been a member of the Committee for junior permanent research positions of Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.
M. Bossy is a member of the Collectif Andromede of the PACA Region council.
N. Champagnat is a member of the Commission de Développement Technologique and the Commission Information Scientifique et Technique of Inria Nancy - Grand Est, a subsitute member of the Comité de Centre of Inria Nancy - Grand Est, Responsable Scientifique for the library of Mathematics of the IECL, member of the Conseil du laboratoire of IECL (as responsable scientifique of the library). He is also local correspondent of the COERLE (Comité Opérationel d'Évaluation des Risques Légaux et Éthiques) for the Inria Research Center of Nancy - Grand Est. This year, together with Aline Wagner (Inria Nancy - Grand Est), he is in charge of the new version of the application form for research approval by the COERLE (ethical committe of Inria).
M. Deaconu is a member of the Bureau du Comité de Projet of Inria Nancy - Grand Est, and of the Comité de Projet of Inria Nancy - Grand Est.
A. Lejay is a member of the Administration Council of the SMAI.
A. Lejay is a member of the COMIPERS of Inria Nancy Grand-Est.
A. Lejay has been appointed as representative of Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the Agence Mathématiques et Entreprise (AMIES)