Section: New Software and Platforms
Stochastic Downscaling Method
Functional Description
The computation of the wind at small scale and the estimation of its uncertainties is of particular importance for applications such as wind energy resource estimation. To this aim, we have developed a computer code belonging to the family of codes of atmospheric flow calculation, in the atmospheric boundary layer. SDM especially concerns the simulation of wind at small space scales (meaning that the horizontal resolution is one kilometer or less), based on the combination of an existing Numerical Weather Prediction model providing a coarse prediction, and a Lagrangian Stochastic Model for turbulent flows.
This year we added to SDM a software tool for Configuration Interface and Visualization (CIV) of the SDM simulations. This dedicated GUI restitutes the 3D simulation view of all SDM outputs (including the rendering of interactions with mills). It is also a key environment tool to visualize a coarse resolution input, to extract time boundary condition of any chosen subdomain simulation for a NetCDF (Network Common DataForm) input file, to prepare the compilation procedure of any simulation case of SDM, to execute codes.