Section: New Results
Financial Mathematics
Participants : Mireille Bossy, Madalina Deaconu, Antoine Lejay, Sylvain Maire, Khaled Salhi, Denis Talay, Etienne Tanré.
Published works and preprints
In collaboration with Jerome Lelong and Christophe Deluigi, Sylvain Maire built a new algorithm for the automatic integration and approximation of irregular functions [18] . This algorithm is tested numerically on the pricing of multidimensional exotic options.
In collaboration with V. Reutenauer and C. Michel (CA-CIB), D. Talay and E. Tanré worked on a model in financial mathematics including bid-ask spread cost. They study the optimal strategy to hedge an interest rate swap that pays a fixed rate against a floating rate. They present a methodology using a stochastic gradient algorithm to optimize strategies. A paper is in revision [55] .
Other works in progress
K. Salhi works on partial hedging of options in an incomplete market, under constraints on the initial capital of the investor and assuming that the stock price is described by a Lévy process. In this case, perfect hedging is no more possible and we talk about partial hedging and minimization of risk. K. Salhi focuses on the Conditional Value-at-Risk minimization. He tries to give a numerical approximation to the solution in this context.
In collaboration with J. Bion-Nadal (Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS), D. Talay pursued the study of a new calibration methodology based on dynamical risk measures and stochastic control PDEs.