Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

Member of the organizing committees
  • Sylvain Lazard organized with S. Whitesides (Victoria University) the 14th Inria - McGill - Victoria Workshop on Computational Geometry (Workshop on Computational Geometry ) at the Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University in Feb. (1 week workshop on invitation).

  • Guillaume Moroz co-organized the Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel 2015 (JNCF).

  • Monique Teillaud co-organized the Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Geometry, with Otfried Cheong (KAIST, Korea) and Jeff Erickson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, March 9-13. http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=15111

  • Monique Teillaud co-organized the Workshop on Computational Geometry in non-Euclidean Spaces, with Éric Colin de Verdière (CNRS, ENS Paris) and Jean-Marc Schlenker (Mathematics Research Unit, U. Luxembourg), Inria, Loria, Nancy, August 26-28. The slides of the talks are available on the workshop website http://neg15.loria.fr/ .

  • Monique Teillaud and Marc Pouget organized the 39th CGAL Developer Meeting, Sept 28 - Oct 2 at Inria Nancy - Grand Est.

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • Monique Teillaud was a member of the program committee of the 2015 Symposium on Computational Geometry SoCG'15.


All members of the team are regular reviewers for the conferences of our field, namely the Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) and the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) and also SODA, CCCG, EuroCG.


Member of the editorial boards
  • Olivier Devillers is a member of the Editorial Board of Graphical Models.

  • Monique Teillaud is a managing editor of JoCG, Journal of Computational Geometry. She is also a member of the Editorial Boards of CGTA, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, and of IJCGA, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications.

  • Marc Pouget and Monique Teillaud are members of the CGAL editorial board.

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

All members of the team are regular reviewers for the journals of our field, namely Discrete and Computational Geometry (DCG), Computational Geometry. Theory and Applications (CGTA), Journal of Computational Geometry (JoCG), International Journal on Computational Geometry and Applications (IJCGA), Journal on Symbolic Computations (JSC), SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), Mathematics in Computer Science (MCS), etc.

Invited talks

  • Guillaume Moroz was invited to give a talk at the Fields Institute in Toronto for the workshop on Algebra, Geometry and Proofs in Symbolic Computation. He was also invited to give a talk at the IHP for the seminar on algorithmic and computational geometry and at Supelec.

Research administration

Hiring committees
  • S. Lazard was president of the hiring committee for a Professor position (UL/ENSEM/LORIA).

Steering Committees
  • M. Teillaud is a member of the Steering Committee of the European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA).

National committees
  • L. Dupont is a member of “Commission Pédagogique Nationale” (CPN) Information-Communication / Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet.

  • M. Teillaud is a member of the Scientific Board of the Société Informatique de France (SIF).

  • M. Teillaud is a member of the working group for the BIL, Base d'Information des Logiciels of Inria.

Local committees and responsabilities
  • S. Lazard: Head of the PhD and Post-doc hiring committee for Inria Nancy-Grand Est (since 2009). Member of the Bureau de la mention informatique of the École Doctorale IAE+M (since 2009). Head of the Mission Jeunes Chercheurs for Inria Nancy-Grand Est (since 2011). Head of the Department Algo at LORIA (since 2014). Member of the Conseil Scientifique of LORIA (since 2014).

  • M. Teillaud is a member of the CDT, Commission de développement technologique, of Inria Nancy - Grand Est.


M. Teillaud is maintaining the Computational Geometry Web Pages http://www.computational-geometry.org/ , hosted by Inria Nancy - Grand Est since December. This site offers general interest information for the computational geometry community, in particular the Web proceedings of the Video Review of Computational Geometry, part of the Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry.