Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Teaching on 3D medical imaging (visualization, segmentation, fusion, management, normalization) in the following tracks:

  • Master 2 SIBM, University of Angers-Brest-Rennes: 26h (C. Barillot, E. Bannier, E. Caruyer, O. Commowick, I. Corouge, J.-Y. Gauvrit, S. Prima):

    • C. Barillot is responsible for one semester.

    • J.-Y. Gauvrit is the coordinator for the Master.

  • Master 1 SIBM, University of Rennes: 5h (S. Prima)

  • Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieur de Rennes (ESIR): 60h in medical imaging (P. Maurel)

Other topics:

  • Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieur de Rennes (ESIR): 60h in general image processing (P. Maurel), 60h in algorithmics and complexity (P. Maurel) and 14h in graphical user intergace programming (B. Combès)

  • ENS Rennes: 24h in introduction to image processing (P. Maurel)

  • ISTIC - Université of Rennes 1: 12h in Software Engineering (E. Caruyer)

  • G. Edan: regular seminar of university Cambridge UK: “From epidemiological data to therapeutic strategies in MS” June 2015

  • G. Edan – Milan (Italy), Preceptorship on MRI in Multiple Sclerosis - “MRI in clinical trial” (2012-2015)


  • PhD Hrishikesh Deshpande, Dimensionality Reduction and Statistical Learning for Computational Modeling of Natural Evolution of Brain Pathologies, Inria, from December 2012, Christian Barillot, Pierre Maurel

  • PhD Renaud Hédouin, Biomarker discovery in brain imaging by using diffusion MRI, Inria/Inserm, from November 2013, Christian Barillot, Olivier Commowick

  • PhD Yogesh Karpate, Quantitative analysis of MRI in Multiple Sclerosis in the context of the clinically isolated syndroma, INSERM, from December 2011, Christian Barillot, Olivier Commowick. Defended in September 2015.

  • PhD Lea Itmi, Quantitative Analysis Of Arterial Spin Labeling MRI For Robust Parametric Information Of Perfusion Maps, Inria / Siemens, from Mar 2014, Christian Barillot, Pierre Maurel

  • PhD Lorraine Perronnet, Neurofeedback Using Virtual Reality And Combining Eeg-Mri For Brain Rehabilitation, Inria/CominLabs Hemisfer project, from Dec 2013, Christian Barillot, Maureen Clerc (Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Anatole Lecuyer (HYBRID project), Fabien Lotte (Inria Bordeaux)

  • PhD Haykel Snoussi, Diffusion MRI detection of early occurring spine lesions in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis with late physical impairment, from Nov 2015, Christian Barillot, Gilles Edan, Emmanuel Caruyer

  • PhD Pierre-Yves Jonin, Relationships between context-free and context-rich memory : cognitive and neural subtrates. Inria/Inserm/CNRS from Oct 2014, Christian Barillot (co-supervisor)

  • PhD Maia Proisy, Perfusion in neonates and in pediatric diseases. Univ. Rennes /CHRU Rennes from Oct 2014, Jean-Christophe Ferre (supervisor)

  • PhD Anne Kerbrat, Quantitative MR imaging in MS for Brain and Spine. Univ. Rennes /CHRU Rennes from Oct 2014, Gilles Edan (supervisor)


  • O. Commowick: PhD, Yogesh Karpate, Inserm, Sep. 2015

  • S. Prima: PhD, Reviewer, Sophie Maingault, Université de Bordeaux, mai 2015

  • C. Barillot: PhD, Committee Chair: Aurélie Emilien, Univ. Bordeaux, Dec. 2014; Charlotte Dutilleul, Univ. Toulse 3-Paul Sabatier, Jul. 2015; Nicolas Cordier, Univ. Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nov. 2015

  • C. Barillot: PhD, Reviewer: Zehan Wang, Imperial College London, Dec. 2014 ; Alia Lemkaddem, EPFL - CH, Feb. 2015; Vikash Gupta, Univ. Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Mar. 2015