Section: New Software and Platforms
Participants : Julien Champ, Hervé Goëau, Alexis Joly.
Pl@ntNet is an image sharing and retrieval application for the identification of plants. It is developed in the context of the Floris'tic project that involves four French research organisations (Inria, Cirad, INRA, IRD) and Tela Botanica social network. The key feature of the iOS and Android front ends is to help identifying plant species from photographs, through a server-side visual search engine based on several results of ZENITH team on content-based information retrieval. Since its first release in March 2013 on the apple store, the application was downloaded by around 1M users in more than 170 countries (between 2,500 and 10,000 active users daily with peaks occurring during the week-ends). The collaborative training set that allows the content-based identification is continuously enriched by the users of the application and the members of Tela Botanica social network. At the time of writing, it includes about 200K images covering more than 5000 French plant species about 4/5 of the whole French flora (this is actually the widest identification tool built anytime).