Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

  • A 3-year contract with ARTELIA Group: funding for the PhD thesis of M.P. Daou (CIFRE)

  • A 3-year contract named ALBATROS with Mercator-Ocean on the topic « Interaction océan, vagues, atmosphère à haute résolution ».

  • A 1-year contract with NOVELTIS on the thematic "Développement de démonstrateurs avec AGRIF": see 6.1

  • A 1-year contract with IFREMER on the thematic "Evolution de la librairie de raffinement de maillage en Fortran (AGRIF) : amélioration de la prise en compte du trait de côte et des frontiéres ouvertes en contexte paralléle MPI/OpenMP" : see 6.1

  • The Chair OQUAIDO – for "Optimisation et QUAntification d'Incertitudes pour les Données Onéreuses" in French – is the chair in applied mathematics held at Mines Saint-Étienne (France). It aims at gathering academical and technological partners to work on problems involving costly-to-evaluate numerical simulators for uncertainty quantification, optimization and inverse problems. This Chair, created in January 2016, is the continuation of the projects DICE and ReDICE which respectively covered the periods 2006-2009 and 2011-2015.