Section: New Results
Algorithmics and combinatorics of motifs occurrences
We have developed a new algorithm to compute minimal absent words in external memory. Minimal absent words are used in sequence comparison [23] or to detect biologically significant events. For instance, it was shown that there exist three minimal words in Ebola virus genomes which are absent from human genome [42]. The identification of such specific-species sequences may prove to be useful for the development of diagnosis and therapeutics. We have already provide an -time and -space algorithm to compute minimal absent words, with an implementation that can be executed in parallel. However these implementations require a large amount of RAM, thus they cannot be used for the human genome on a desktop computer. In our new contribution we developed an external memory implementation, it can compute minimal absent words of length at most 11 for the human genome using only 1GB of RAM in less than 4 hours (manuscript submitted [16]).
Repetitive patterns in genomic sequences have a great biological significance. This is a key issue in several genomic problems as many repetitive structures can be found in genomes. One may cite microsatellites, retrotransposons, DNA transposons, long terminal repeats (LTR), long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE), ribosomal DNA, short interspersed nuclear elements (SINE). Knowledge about the length of a maximal repeat also has algorithmic implications, most notably the design of assembly algorithms that rely upon de Bruijn graphs.
Analytic combinatorics allowed us to derive formula for the expected length of repetitions in a random sequence [9]. The originality of the approach is the demonstration of a Large Deviation principle and the use of Lagrange multipliers. This allowed for a generalization of previous works on a binary alphabet. Simulations on random sequences confirmed the accuracy of our results. As an application, the sample case of Archaea genomes illustrated how biological sequences may differ from random sequences, and in turns provides tools to extract repetitive sequences.