Section: New Software and Platforms

New Software


In order for our research to become used in a non-technological domain as is law, we make special efforts to develop user-friendly software tools. We have already made available an iOS application for computing the amount of child support. Another application is currently being developed for spousal support.

Future user-friendly software we intend to propose will be concerned with the areas of personal injury and intellectual property.

Economy and finance

The software toolbox FracLab (http://fraclab.saclay.inria.fr) contains a number of tools related to multistable processes, including their simulation and calibration. We intend to pursue these developments in particular by proposing methods dealing with self-stabilizing processes.

We also hope to be able to collaborate with financial institutions, in view of advancing the idea that current regulations, because they are model-based, perform the economy in a way that needs to be carefully scrutinized.


Our software ChronoModel provides a set of Bayesian statistical tools for constructing chronologies using measurement coming from different dating methods (e.g. 14C, TL/OSL, AM, typo-chronology). Chronomodel is a free and open-source cross-platform software that can be downloaded at http://www.chronomodel.fr

It offers a user-friendly interface for entering both data and archaeological facts : stratigraphy, temporal order constraints, contemporaneous events.

ChronoModel is currently used by researchers in laboratories of archaeology and earth science, and also by archaeologists working in the organizations of rescue archaeology.