Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

Bayesian workshop : Bayesian statistics applied to archaeology - May 2016 Nantes

Anne Philippe and Marie-Anne Vibet were main organizers.


Anne Philippe is an Associated editor of Computational Statistics and Data analysis

Jacques Lévy Véhel is associate editor of the journal « Fractals »

Invited Talks

Anne Philippe and Marie-Anne Vibet were invited to the Ibercrono conference, Barcelone Spain, October 2016

Anne Philippe was invited to ArcheoFoss, Cagliari Italy October 2016

Yue Huang gave a talk at the invited session of advanced SAR technologies at IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Beijing Chine, 2016

Research Administration

Anne Philippe is a member of commits national du CNRS