Section: Research Program
Applications of the notion of abstraction in semantics
In the previous subsections, we sketched the steps in the design of a static analyzer to infer some family of properties, which should be implementable, and efficient enough to succeed in verifying non trivial systems.
Yet, the same principles can also be applied successfully to other goals. In particular, the abstract interpretation framework should be viewed a very general tool to compare different semantics, not necessarily with the goal of deriving a static analyzer. Such comparisons may be used in order to prove two semantics equivalent (i.e., one is an abstraction of the other and vice versa), or that a first semantics is strictly more expressive than another one (i.e., the latter can be viewed an abstraction of the former, where the abstraction actually makes some information redundant, which cannot be recovered). A classical example of such comparison is the classification of semantics of transition systems [12], which provides a better understanding of program semantics in general. For instance, this approach can be applied to get a better understanding of the semantics of a programming language, but also to select which concrete semantics should be used as a foundation for a static analysis, or to prove the correctness of a program transformation, compilation or optimization.