AOSTE - 2016
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Simulation and Analysis of Scheduling

Scientific Description The SAS (Simulation and Analysis of Scheduling) software allows the user to perform the schedulability analysis of periodic task systems in the monoprocessor case.

The main contribution of SAS, when compared to other commercial and academic softwares of the same kind, is that it takes into account the exact preemption cost between tasks during the schedulability analysis. Beside usual real-time constraints (precedence, strict periodicity, latency, etc.) and fixed-priority scheduling policies (Rate Monotonic, Deadline Monotonic, Audsley++, User priorities), SAS additionaly allows to select dynamic scheduling policy algorithms such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF). The resulting schedule is displayed as a typical Gantt chart with a transient and a permanent phase, or as a disk shape called "dameid", which clearly highlights the idle slots of the processor in the permanent phase.

Functional Description The SAS software allows the user to perform the schedulability analysis of periodic task systems in the monoprocessor case.