AOSTE - 2016
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Industrial design flow for Embedded System Engineering

Participants : Julien Deantoni, Frédéric Mallet, Marie Agnes Peraldi Frati, Robert de Simone, Hui Zhao, Ales Mishchenko.

As part of the PIA LEOC Clarity collaborative project we considered the inytroduction of formal methods into a high-level model-based design environment for embedded systems, named CAPELLA (https://polarsys.org/capella/). CAPELLA is part of the Polarsys Eclipse project. It originates from Thales, and is currently being deployed in real operational divisions in a number of companies.

Our activities consisted in demonstrating how the theoretical models of Logical Time and derives Models of Computation could be used to give precise semantics and provide simulation benefits, when applied to the modeling paradigms used in CAPELLA and advanced in Clarity. In particular we focused on the connection between timing/performance properties and other kinds of non-functional properties, including model variability.

This year we focused on two mains tasks:

First, we clarified and extended the notion of Modes and States in the Capella system engineering language. Specifically, a specific diagram has been introduced to deal with the system modes. The notion of mode is then used to specify different configurations of the system, mainly in terms of the active functions, their data dependencies, their deployment on the logical and physical architecture as well as the scenario to be verified in this specific mode. In consequence, the behavioural semantics of the mode diagram strongly interacts with the behavioral semantics of the other diagrams. The execution semantics was given by promoting our contributions in GEMOC and BCOoL (see 6.3).

Second, Capella proposes a consistent multi-view approach accross different engineering domains. At some step in the refinement process, these different views are extracted to a domain specific tool (like Simulink for instance). It is then required 1) to verify that the manipulation done in the domaine specific tool respect the original semantics expected by the architect, and 2) to understand the impact of the decisions made in domain specific tools on the interaction with the other views. To do so we provided a generic aproach to confront the race to the behavioral semantics we formally defined in Capella. We are curretly working on a theoretical approach to improve the overal performance of such approach.

While BCOoL and Gemoc only considers discrete models, the PhD thesis of Hui Zhao, which started in March 2016, explores a possible extension that specifically targets Cyber-Physical Systems where we different timed models combined, including both discrete and dense timed models. In this thesis, we also explore the impact of such an heterogeneous modeling framework to guarantee security and safety properties of the combined models. This is done in collaboration with Ludovic Apvrille (who is co-advisor of the thesis) from Telecom ParisTech.