Section: New Software and Platforms
Keywords: 3D modeling - C++ - Automatic Learning - Mesh - Anatomy - Image analysis
Scientific Description
Deformetrica is a software for the statistical analysis of 2D and 3D shape data. It essentially computes deformations of the 2D or 3D ambient space, which, in turn, warp any object embedded in this space, whether this object is a curve, a surface, a structured or unstructured set of points, or any combination of them.
Deformetrica comes with two applications:
registration, which computes the best possible deformation between two sets of objects, atlas construction, which computes an average object configuration from a collection of object sets, and the deformations from this average to each sample in the collection.
Deformetrica has very little requirements about the data it can deal with. In particular, it does not require point correspondence between objects!
Functional Description
Deformetrica is a software for the statistical analysis of 2D and 3D shape data. It essentially computes deformations of the 2D or 3D ambient space, which, in turn, warp any object embedded in this space, whether this object is a curve, a surface, a structured or unstructured set of points, or any combination of them.
Deformetrica comes with two applications:
- Registration, which computes the optimal deformation between two sets of objects,
- Atlas construction, which computes an average object configuration from a collection of object sets, and the deformations from this average to each sample in the collection.
Deformetrica has very little requirements about the data it can deal with. In particular, it does not require point correspondence between objects!