Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: H. Delingette and X. Pennec, Introduction to Medical Image Analysis, 21h course (28.5 ETD), Master 2 MVA, ENS Cachan, France.

  • Master: X. Pennec and H. Delingette, Advanced Medical Imaging, 21h course (28.5 ETD), Master 2 MVA and École Centrale de Paris, France.

  • Master: X. Pennec and H. Delingette, Computational Anatomy and Physiology, 21h course (28.5 ETD), Master CBB - Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Univ. Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  • Master: M. Sermesant, Computational Anatomy and Physiology, 3h course (4.5 ETD), Master CBB - Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Univ. Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  • Master: X. Pennec is co-responsible of the Master CBB - Computational Biology and Biomedicine, Univ. Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Theses Defended

  • Pietro Gori , Statistics on the brain connectivity of patients with neurological diseases, University of Paris. Started in 2012. Thesis in collaboration with the Aramis project-team, co-directed by O. Colliot, S. Durrleman and N. Ayache. Defended on January 8, 2016.

  • Mehdi Hadj-Hamou, Biophysical modeling of the anatomical evolution of the brain, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Co-directed by N. Ayache and X. Pennec. Defended on December 14, 2016.

  • Bishesh Khanal, Modeling the atrophy of the brain in Alzheimer's disease, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Co-directed by X. Pennec and N. Ayache. Defended on July 20, 2016.

  • Nina Miolane, Geometric Statistics in Computational Anatomy: Template Estimation and Subspace Learning in Manifolds, Lie groups and Stratified Spaces, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University. Directed by X. Pennec. Defended on December 16, 2016.

  • Anant Vemuri, Inter-operative biopsy site relocalization in gastroscopy : application to oesophagus, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Co-directed by S. Nicolau and N. Ayache. Defended on April 26th 2016.

  • Matthieu Lê, Brain tumor growth modeling : application to radiotherapy imaging, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Co-directed by H. Delingette and N. Ayache. Defended on June 23rd 2016.

  • HdR : Maxime Sermesant, When Cardiac Biophysics Meets Groupwise Statistics: Complementary Modelling Approaches for Patient-Specific Medicine, Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis, June 9.

PhD in progress

  • Marc-Michel Rohé, Analyse statistique spatio-temporelle des formes, déformations, flots et propriétés physiologiques du cœur, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2014. Co-directed by X. Pennec and M. Sermesant.

  • Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Non-invasive Estimation of Cardiac Electrophysiological Parameters, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2014. Co-directed by N. Ayache and M. Sermesant.

  • Roch Molléro, Uncertainty quantification in personalized electromechanical models. Application to cardiomyopathies and obesity, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2014. Co-directed by N. Ayache and M. Sermesant.

  • Thomas Demarcy, Segmentation and anatomic variability of the cochlea and other temporal bone structures from medical images, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2014. Directed by H. Delingette.

  • Loïc Devilliers, Consistency of statistics on infinite dimensional orbifolds – Applications to computational anatomy, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in October 2015. Co-directed by X Pennec and St. Allassonière.

  • Raphaël Sivera, Analyse statistique de l'évolution de structures morphologiques partir de séquences temporelles d'IRM, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in October 2015. Co-directed by N. Ayache and H. Delingette.

  • Pawel Mlynarski, Tumor segmentation based on Random Forests and Convolutional Neural Networks trained on partially annotaded data, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in December 2015. Co-directed by N. Ayache and H. Delingette.

  • Qiao Zheng, Deep learning for cardiac image analysis, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in January 2016. Co-directed by N. Ayache and H. Delingette.

  • Shuman Jia, Population-based Model of Atrial Fibrillation: from Shape Statistics to Group-wise Physiology, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2016. Co-directed by M. Sermesant and X. Pennec.

  • Wen Wei, Learning Brain Alterations in Multiple Sclerosis from Multimodal Neuroimaging Data, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2016. Co-directed by N.Ayache and O.Colliot.

  • Julian Krebs, Robust image registration based on machine learning, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. Started in 2016. Co-directed by H. Delingette and N. Ayache.


  • N. Ayache was co-supervisor of the PhD theses of Matthieu Lê (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis), Anant Vemuri (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis), Pietro Gori (University of Paris), Mehdi Hadj-Hamou (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis), and Bishesh Khanal (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis). He was a member of the PhD thesis committee of Nina Miolane (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis).

  • Hervé Delingette was co-supervisor of the PhD thesis of Matthieu Lê (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis). He was a reviewer in the PhD thesis committee of Vincent Jaouen (Univ. of Tours) and of Tom Haeck (University KUL Leuven, Belgium). He was a member of the PhD thesis committee of Bishesh Khanal (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis).

  • Xavier Pennec was supervisor or co-supervisor of the PhD theses of Bishesh Khanal (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis), Mehdi Hadj-Hamou (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis) and Nina Miolane (Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis).

  • Maxime Sermesant was a reviewer and a member of the PhD jury of Andjela Davidovic, Bordeaux University (Dec 9).