Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Health - Neuroimaging - Medical imaging

Functional Description

OpenMEEG provides state-of-the art tools for processing EEG and MEG data. It incorporates a newly proposed, symmetric BEM for the forward problem, and a distributed source inverse problem, with three different types of regularizations, two of which are original, based on norms of the surface gradient of the source distribution. OpenMEEG is a free, open software written in C++, and can be accessed either through a command line interface or through a user-friendly interface. OpenMEEG is being used for functional neuroimaging, through third-party software (Brainstorm and Fieldtrip), as can be noticed by the citations to our articles [9] and  [89].

  • Participants: Théodore Papadopoulo, Maureen Clerc, Alexandre Gramfort, Emmanuel Olivi, Kai Dang, Geoffroy Adde, Perrine Landreau, Renaud Keriven and Jan Kybic

  • Contact: Théodore Papadopoulo

  • URL: http://openmeeg.github.io/