New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations

Section: Research Program

Polynomial Systems

Systems of polynomial equations have been part of the cryptographic landscape for quite some time, with applications to the cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, as well as multivariate cryptographic primitives.

Polynomial systems arising from cryptology are usually not generic, in the sense that they have some distinct structural properties, such as symmetries, or bi-linearity for example. During the last decades, several results have shown that identifying and exploiting these structures can lead to dedicated Gröbner bases algorithms that can achieve large speedups compared to generic implementations [27], [26].

Solving polynomial systems is well done by existing software, and duplicating this effort is not relevant. However we develop test-bed open-source software for ideas relevant to the specific polynomial systems that arise in the context of our applications. The TinyGB software, that we describe further in 6.3, is our platform to test new ideas.

We aim to work on the topic of polynomial system solving in connection with our involvement in the aforementioned topics.

  • We have high expertise on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem on small characteristic finite fields, because it also involves highly structured polynomial systems. While so far we have not contributed to this hot topic, this could of course change in the future.

  • Recent hirings (Minier) are likely to lead the team to study particular polynomial systems in context which are more related to symmetric key cryptography.

  • More centered on polynomial systems per se, we will mainly pursue the study of the specificities of the polynomial systems that are strongly linked to our targeted applications, and for which we have significant expertise [27], [26]. We also want to see these recent results provide practical benefits compared to existing software, in particular for systems relevant for cryptanalysis.