New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations

Section: New Results

Search for Primitive Trinomials

Participant : Paul Zimmermann [contact] .

This is a joint work with Richard Brent (University of Newcastle, Australia).

We have performed a search for primitive trinomials xr+xs+1 over GF(2) of degree r=42643801, r=43112609, r=57885161 and r=74207281, which are the new Mersenne prime exponents found by the GIMPS project. We found respectively 5, 4, 0 and 3 primitive trinomials [16], for example the three primitive trinomials of degree 74207281 are (with their reverse trinomials):

x 74207281 + x 9156813 + 1 , x 74207281 + x 9999621 + 1 , x 74207281 + x 30684570 + 1 .