Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Labs
Associate Team involved in the International Lab:
Title: Advanced methods for uncertainty quantification in compressible flows
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
This research project deals with uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics. Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) aims at developing rigorous methods to characterize the impact of limited knowledge on quantities of interest. Main objective of this collaboration is to build a flexible and efficient numerical platform, using intrusive methods, for solving stochastic partial differential equations. In particular, the idea is to handle highly non-linear system responses driven by shocks.
Title: Advanced Modeling on Shear Shallow Flows for Curved Topography : water and granular flows.
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
Our objective is to generalize the promising modeling strategy proposed in G.L. Richard and S.L. Gavrilyuk 2012, to genuinely 3D shear flows and also take into account the curvature effects related to topography. Special care will be exercised to ensure that the numerical methodology can take full advantage of massively parallel computational platforms and serve as a practical engineering tool. At first we will consider quasi-2D sheared flows on a curve topography defined by an arc, such as to derive a model parameterized by the local curvature and the nonlinear profile of the bed. Experimental measurements and numerical simulations will be used to validate and improve the proposed modeling on curved topography for quasi-2D flows. Thereafter, we will focus on 3D flows first on simple geometries (inclined plane) before an extension to quadric surfaces and thus prepare the generalization of complex topography in the context of geophysical flows.
Informal International Partners
University of Zurich : R. Abgrall. Collaboration on penalisation on unstructured grids and high order adaptive methods for CFD and uncertainty quantification.
Politecnico di Milano, Aerospace Department (Italy) : Pr. A. Guardone. Collaboration on ALE for complex flows (compressible flows with complex equations of state, free surface flows with moving shorelines).
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (Belgium). With Pr. T. Magin we work on Uncertainty Quantification problems for the identification of inflow condition of hypersonic nozzle flows. With Pr. H. Deconinck we work on the design of high order methods, including goal oriented mesh adaptation strategies
NASA Langley: Dr. Alireza Mazaheri. Collaboration on high order schemes for PDEs with second and third order derivatives, with particular emphasis on high order approximations of solution derivatives.
Technical University of Crete, School of Production Engineering & Management : Pr. A.I. Delis. Collaboration on high order schemes for depth averaged free surface flow models, including robust code to code validation
Chalmers University (C. Eskilsson) and Technical University of Denmark (A.-P. Engsig-Karup) : our collaboration with Chalmers and with DTU compute in Denmark aims at developing high order non hydrostatic finite element Boussinesq type models for the simulation floating wave energy conversion devices such as floating point absorbers ;
University of Delaware: F. Veron. Collaboration on the modelling of rain effects on wave propagation.