Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • D. Auroux, C. Boulbe and L. Busé (Aromath - Inria) have organized a SEME (Semaine d'Etudes Maths-Entreprises) under the initiative of AMIES.

    • Project proposed by Option Way, Optis, Thales Alenia Space, Wever, Exact Cure

    • 25-29 Juanary 2016, Campus Sophia Tech (Inria, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis)

    • http://math.unice.fr/~auroux/SEME/

  • From April 12th to 15th 2016, CASTOR (Boniface Nkonga, Hervé Guillard, Afeintou Sangam) has organized in Sophia Antipolis, the annual user meeting of the Jorek code that has gathered 25 plasma specialists around the development of this code dedicated to MHD studies in Tokamaks.

  • Minisymposium: Numerical Methods for Magnetohydrodynamics/Méthodes numériques pour les équations de la magnétohydrodynamique, CANUM 2016, 43e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique, Obernai, France, May 09-13, 2016.

    The simulation of electrical conducting fluids relies on numerical methods from computational fluid dynamics and computational electrodynamics. As the underlying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models are non-standard coupled systems of non-linear partial differential equations, the main ingredients of numerical solution methods such as preconditioners, iteration schemes and stability require special attention. Moreover, in many applications such as plasmas, where we have no unique canonical MHD formulation in terms of PDEs, the development of numerical methods goes hand in hand with modelling: the models depend on the time and length scales of interest, but particular variations can avoid pitfalls in the numerical simulation.

    In this minisymposium we gathered talks from different application areas. Contributions included numerical analysis and computational methods for both established MHD models as well as specialized models for applications in plasma physics:

    • José Costa, CASTOR, Inria, SAM: High order stabilized finite element method for MHD and Reduced-MHD plasma modelling

    • Emmanuel Franck, Inria NANCY GRAND EST: Analyse des préconditionneurs physiques pour les équations d'Euler et de la MHD linéarisée

    • Céline Caldini-Queiros, MPI Garching: Couplage de modèles MHD et cinétiques dans des géométries complexes

    • Tahar Boulmezaoud, Université de Versailles: Equilibres magnétohydrostatiques et champs force-free


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • C. Boulbe is layout editor of the free journal SMAI-Journal of Computational Mathematics.

  • J. Blum is member of

    • the editorial board of the Journal of Scientific Computing (JSC),

    • the scientific commitee of the collection "Mathématiques et Statistiques" of the ISTE publications,

    • editor in chief of the ISTE Open Science journal: "Mathématiques appliquées et stochastiques".

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

H. Guillard is reviewer for several journals including

  • Journal of computational physics

  • Computers and Fluids

Invited Talks

  • J. Blum, The use of optimal control theory for equilibrium identification and optimization of plasma scenarios, Swiss Plasma Center, EPFL, Switzerland, November 28, 2016

  • H.Heumann, Control methods for the optimization of plasma scenarios in a tokamak. Oberseminar Scientific Computing, University Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, November 14, 2016

  • H.Heumann, Numerical methods for tokamak plasma equilibrium evolution at the resistive diffusion timescale, Zurich Colloquium in Applied and Computational Mathematics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, March 16, 2016

  • H.Heumann, Free-Boundary Axisymmetric Plasma Equilibria: Computational Methods and Applications , Theory Group Seminar, Princeton Plasma Physcis Laboratory, Princeton, USA, March 3, 2016

  • H.Heumann, Quasi-static Free-Boundary Equilibrium of Toroidal Plasma: Computational Methods and Applications, Magneto-fluid dynamics seminar, Courant Institut, New York University, New York, USA, February 23, 2016

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • J. Blum is:

    • a member of the scientific committee of Academy 1 of UCA-IDEX JEDI: «Networks, Information and Digital society»,

    • member of the "bureau" and the director committee of the Fédération FR-FCM (Fédération de Recherche Fusion par Confinement Magnétique - ITER).

  • H. Guillard is coordinator of the topic "Turbulence and transport of edge plasma" within the Fédération FR-FCM

  • C. Boulbe is task coordinator of the ACT2: Free boundary equilibrium and Control within the Eurofusion WPCD workpackage.

  • B. Nkonga is chairman of the GAMNI ("Groupe pour l’Avancement des Méthodes Numériques de l’Ingénieur"), group of the SMAI.