Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
The permanent members of the team participate to build a proposal called GDMA (Graph Data Management and Analytics, for an European Joint Doctorate within the Initial Training Network (ITN) chapter of Europe’s H2020 program, with the University of Aalborg (Denmark), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, and University of Ioannina (Greece). If successful the project would involve six PhD thesis co-supervised in Cedar and starting in 2018, three students mostly residing with us, and three abroad working with our partners from Aalborg and Brussels.
I. Manolescu has submitted a Marie-Curie proposal titled IDEAA (An interactive toolbox to help citizens understand and build a viewpoint on specific issues by monitoring, analysing, and interlinking public data from EU institutions) to host a junior researcher (Mirjana Mazuran from Politecnico di Milano) for two years.