Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Visiting PhD students
  • Emna Hammami (Tunis University, with Yosr Slama) visited Compsys from April to June 2016 to refine her PhD topic with Compsys members. She also participated to the spring school on numerical simulation and polyhedral compilation.

  • Waruna Ranasinghe (Colorado State University, with Sanjay Rajopadhye) visited Compsys from end of June to mid August 2016 to work with Tomofumi Yuki on extending cache oblivious techniques to polyhedral programs.

  • Julien Versaci, M2 student from Lyon 1 University, from both physics and computer science departments, worked from April to June 2016 in Compsys, to work on the parallelization of a model of quantum physics. Julien was co-supervised by Jean-Philippe Guillet (physicist) and Tomofumi Yuki, the second part of his internship (until mid August) being done affiliated to Annecy physics laboratory (LAPTH). Julien also participated to the spring school on numerical simulation and polyhedral compilation.

Visits to International Teams

No long (more than one month) stay abroad in 2016.