Section: Dissemination
For the last couple of years, Serge Abiteboul has initiated and is coordinating an invited blog for Le Monde newspaper, namely Binaire, He is the initiator of “The Cabale Informatique de France”, a joint action between the Société Informatique de France and Wikipédia France to improve the quality of Wikipédia pages about Computer Science in France. He organized a Workshop Initiation to Wikipedia in Poitiers
Serge Abiteboul is Scientific curator of the exhibit "Terra Data" at Cité des Sciences de La Villette, 2017. He is member of the editorial board of Les big data à découvert, directed Mokrane Bouzeghoub and Rémy Mosseri. He gave invited talks at La Pépinière 4.1 in Nancy, Rencontres du Numérique of ANR, Parole Publique, Sciences à Coeur at Sorbonne Univ., Espace Mendes France at Poitiers,
Serge Abiteboul is Chairman of the Executive Council of the Foundation Blaise Pascal for the promotion of Maths and Computer Science.