Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  • Taiwan, ACADEMIA SINICA & IIIS. Signature of a MoU in the framework of IoT-LAB.

  • Algorithms research group of the University of Bergen, Norway. PICS project of CNRS on graph editing problems for analysis and modeling of complex networks.

Informal International Partners
  • University of Namur: Department of Mathematics/Naxys (Belgium). Collaboration with Renaud Lambiotte on dynamical processes on dynamical networks and communities detections.

  • Aalto University: Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science (Finland). Collaboration with Jari Saramaki on modeling temporal networks and community like modular structure

  • Central European University (Hungary). Collaboration with János Kertész on modeling complex contagion phenomena.

  • ISI Foundation (Italy). Collaboration with Laetitia Gauvin on multiplex networks and transportation systems

  • University of South California (USA). Collaboration with Antonio Ortega on Graph Signal Processing

  • University of Pennsylvania (USA). Collaboration with Alejandro Ribeiro on Graph Signal Processing

  • LNCC, Petropolis (Brazil). Collaboration with Arthur Ziviani on Temporal Graph modeling ans algorithms.

  • College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

  • University of California, Santa Cruz (USA). Collaboration with Alexandre Brandwajn on the solutions to multi-server queues.

Participation in Other International Programs

PHC Peridot

Participants : Mohammed Amer, Thomas Begin, Anthony Busson, Isabelle Guérin Lassous.

Framework for Control and Monitoring of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) using Software-Defined Networking (SDN). The main objective of this project is propose mechanisms and modifications in the SDN architecture, specifically in the OpenFlow, which allow SDN mechanisms to operate over WMN considering the dynamic network topology that WMN may experience and some other relevant characteristics. The project will involve devising mechanisms for controlling mesh switches through controllers in a wireless environment, which will require developing novel and WMN-specific rules, actions and commands. The project will involve proposing mechanism that consider dynamic environment of WMN along with providing redundancy in the network. Besides, there is a requirement to have an adaptive measurement API for WMN. This is the second objective of our research project. The proposed measurement API will enable the network operators to monitor network traffic over WMN which may be content-specific or host-specific. This is a joint project between DANTE and M. A. Jinnah University, Islamabad. It started in June 2015 and will end in June 2018.

STIC AMSUD UCOOL: Understanding and predicting human demanded COntent and mObiLity

Participants : Éric Fleury, Márton Karsai, Christophe Crespelle.

Finding new ways to manage the increased data usage and to improve the level of service required by the new wave of applications for smartphones is an essential issue nowadays. The improved understanding of user mobility (i.e. the context they experience) and the content they demand is of fundamental importance when looking for solutions for this problem in the modern communication landscape. The resulting knowledge can help at the design of more adaptable networking protocols or services as well as can help determining, for instance, where to deploy networking infrastructure, how to reduce traffic congestion, or how to fill the gap between the capacity granted by the infrastructure technology and the traffic load generated by mobile users.