Section: Research Program

Research Directions

DataMove targets HPC (High Performance Computing) at Exascale. But such machines and the associated applications are expected to be available only in 5 to 10 years. Meanwhile, we expect to see a growing number of petaflop machines to answer the needs for advanced numerical simulations. A sustainable exploitation of these petaflop machines is a real and hard challenge that we address. We may also see in the coming years a convergence between HPC and Big Data, HPC platforms becoming more elastic and supporting Big Data jobs, or HPC applications being more commonly executed on cloud like architectures. This is the second top objective of the 2015 US Strategic Computing Initiative  (https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/07/29/executive-order-creating-national-strategic-computing-initiative): Increasing coherence between the technology base used for modelling and simulation and that used for data analytic computing. We contribute to that convergence at our level, considering more dynamic and versatile target platforms and types of workloads.

Our approaches should entail minimal modifications on the code of numerical simulations. Often large scale numerical simulations are complex domain specific codes with a long life span. We assume these codes as being sufficiently optimized. We influence the behavior of numerical simulations through resource allocation at the job management system level or when interleaving them with analytics code.

To tackle these issues, we propose to intertwine theoretical research and practical developments in an agile mode. Algorithms with performance guarantees are designed and experimented on large scale platforms with realistic usage scenarios developed with partner scientists or based on logs of the biggest available computing platforms (national supercomputers like Curie, or the BlueWaters machine accessible through our collaboration with Argonne National Lab). Conversely, a strong experimental expertise enables to feed theoretical models with sound hypotheses, to twist proven algorithms with practical heuristics that could be further retro-feeded into adequate theoretical models.

A central scientific question is to make the relevant choices for optimizing performance (in a broad sense) in a reasonable time. HPC architectures and applications are increasingly complex systems (heterogeneity, dynamicity, uncertainties), which leads to consider the optimization of resource allocation based on multiple objectives, often contradictory (like energy and run-time for instance). Focusing on the optimization of one particular objective usually leads to worsen the others. The historical positioning of some members of the team who are specialists in multi-objective optimization is to generate a (limited) set of trade-off configurations, called Pareto points, and choose when required the most suitable trade-off between all the objectives. This methodology differs from the classical approaches, which simplify the problem into a single objective one (focus on a particular objective, combining the various objectives or agglomerate them). The real challenge is thus to combine algorithmic techniques to account for this diversity while guaranteeing a target efficiency for all the various objectives.

The DataMove team aims to elaborate generic and effective solutions of practical interest. We make our new algorithms accessible through the team flagship software tools, the OAR batch scheduler and the in situ processing framework FlowVR. We maintain and enforce strong links with teams closely connected with large architecture design and operation, as well as scientists of other disciplines, in particular computational biologists, with whom we elaborate and validate new usage scenarios.