Section: New Results

Methods for inverse problems

Identifying defects in an unknown background using differential measurements

L. Audibert and H. Haddar

In the framework of the PhD thesis of Lorenzo Audibert we studied non destructive testing of concrete using ultrasonic waves, and more generallly imaging in complex heterogeneous media. We assume that measurements are multistatic, which means that we record the scattered field on different points by using several sources. For this type of data we wish to build methods that are able to image the obstacle that created the scattered field. We use qualitative methods in this work, which only provide the support of the object independently from its physical property. The first part of this thesis consists of a theoretical analysis of the Linear Sampling Method. Such analysis is done in the framework of regularization theory, and our main contribution is to provide and analyze a regularization term that ensures good theoretical properties. Among those properties we were able to demonstrate that when the regularization parameter goes to zero, we actually construct a sequence of functions that strongly converges to the solution of the interior transmission problem. This behavior gives a central place to the interior transmission problem as it allows describing the asymptotic solution of our regularized problem. Using this characterization of our solution, we are able to give the optimal reconstruction we can get from our method. More importantly this description of the solution allows us to compare the solution coming from two different datasets. Based on the result of this comparison, we manage to produce an image of the connected component that contains the defect which appears between two measurement campaigns and this regardless of the medium. This method is well suited for the characteristics of the microstructure of concrete as shown on several numerical examples with realistic concrete-like microstructure. Finally, we extend our theoretical results to the case of limited aperture, anisotropic medium and elastic waves, which correspond to the real physics of the ultrasounds

Generalized linear sampling method for elastic-wave sensing of heterogeneous fractures

B. Guzina, H. Haddar and F. Pourahmadian

A theoretical foundation is developed for active seismic reconstruction of fractures endowed with spatially-varying interfacial condition (e.g. partially-closed fractures, hydraulic fractures). The proposed indicator functional carries a superior localization property with no significant sensitivity to the fracture's contact condition, measurement errors, and illumination frequency. This is accomplished through the paradigm of the F-factorization technique and the recently developed Generalized Linear Sampling Method (GLSM) applied to elastodynamics. The direct scattering problem is formulated in the frequency domain where the fracture surface is illuminated by a set of incident plane waves, while monitoring the induced scattered field in the form of (elastic) far-field patterns. The analysis of the well-posedness of the forward problem leads to an admissibility condition on the fracture's (linearized) contact parameters. This in turn contributes toward establishing the applicability of the F-factorization method, and consequently aids the formulation of a convex GLSM cost functional whose minimizer can be computed without iterations. Such minimizer is then used to construct a robust fracture indicator function, whose performance is illustrated through a set of numerical experiments. For completeness, the results of the GLSM reconstruction are compared to those obtained by the classical linear sampling method.

Invisibility in scattering theory

L. Chesnel, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia and S.A. Nazarov

We are interested in a time harmonic acoustic problem in a waveguide with locally perturbed sound hard walls. We consider a setting where an observer generates incident plane waves at - and probes the resulting scattered field at - and +. Practically, this is equivalent to measure the reflection and transmission coefficients respectively denoted R and T. In a recent work, a technique has been proposed to construct waveguides with smooth walls such that R=0 and |T|=1 (non reflection). However the approach fails to ensure T=1 (perfect transmission without phase shift). First we establish a result explaining this observation. More precisely, we prove that for wavenumbers smaller than a given bound k depending on the geometry, we cannot have T=1 so that the observer can detect the presence of the defect if he/she is able to measure the phase at +. In particular, if the perturbation is smooth and small (in amplitude and in width), k is very close to the threshold wavenumber. Then, in a second step, we change the point of view and, for a given wavenumber, working with singular perturbations of the domain, we show how to obtain T=1. In this case, the scattered field is exponentially decaying both at - and +. We implement numerically the method to provide examples of such undetectable defects.

Nanoparticles volume determination from SAXS measurements

H. Haddar and Z. Jiang

The aim of this work is to develop a fully automatic method for the reconstruction of the volume distribution of polydisperse non-interacting nanoparticles with identical shapes from Small Angle X-ray Scattering measurements. In the case of diluted systems we proposed a method that solves a maximum likelihood problem with a positivity constraint on the solution by means of an Expectation Maximization iterative scheme coupled with a robust stopping criterion. We prove that the stopping rule provides a regularization method according to an innovative notion of regularization specifically defined for inverse problems with Poisson data. Such a regularization, together with the positivity constraint results in high fidelity quantitative reconstructions of particle volume distributions making the method particularly effective in real applications. We tested the performance of the method on synthetic data in the case of uni- and bi-modal particle volume distributions. We extended the method to the case of dense solutions where the inverse problem becomes non linear. A specific fix-point algorithm has been proposed and convergence has been tested against synthetic data. The developement of this research topic is ongoing under the framework of Saxsize.

Identifying defects in unknown periodic layers

H. Haddar and T.P. Nguyen

We investigate the inverse problem where one is interested in reconstructing the support of a perturbation in a periodic media from measurements of scattered waves. We are concerned with the design of a sampling method that would reconstruct the support of inhomogeneities without reconstructing the index of refraction. The development of sampling methods has gained a large interest in recent years and many methods have been introduced in the literature to deal with a variety of problems and we refer to [1] for an account of recent developments of these methods. Up to our knowledge, the sampling methods for locally perturbed infinite periodic layers has not been treated in the literature. Even thought this problem is the one that motivates our study, we considered a slightly different problem that will be referred to as the ML−periodic problem: it corresponds with a locally perturbed infinite periodic layer with period L that has been reduced to a domain of size ML (with M a sufficiently large parameter) with periodic boundary conditions. This is mainly for technical reasons since our analysis for the newly introduced differential imaging functional heavily rely on the discrete Floquet-Bloch transform.

The main contribution of our work is the design of a new sampling method that enable the imaging of the defect location without reconstructing the L periodic background. This method is in the spirit of the Differential LSM introduced above for the imaging of defects in complex backgrounds using differential measurements. However, in the present case we propose a method that does not require the measurement operator for the background media. We exploit the L periodicity of the background and the Floquet-Bloch transform to design a differential criterion between different periods. This criterion is based on the study of sampling methods for the ML−periodic media where a single Floquet-Bloch mode is used. This study constitutes the main theoretical ingredient for our method. The sampling operator for a single Floquet-Bloch mode somehow plays the role of the measurement operator for the background media. Indeed the main interest for this new sampling method is that it is capable of identifying the defect even thought classical sampling methods fail in obtaining high fidelity reconstructions of the (complex) background media.

Identification of small objects with near-field data in quasi-backscattering configurations

H. Haddar and M. Lakhal

We present a new sampling method for detecting targets (small inclusions or defects) immersed in a homogeneous medium in three-dimensional space, from measurements of acoustic scattered fields created by point source incident waves. We consider the harmonic regime and a data setting that corresponds with quasi-backscattering configuration: the data is collected by a set a receivers that are distributed on a segment centered at the source position and the device is swept along a path orthogonal to the receiver line. We assume that the aperture of the receivers is small compared with the distance to the targets. Considering the asymptotic form of the scattered field as the size of the targets goes to zero and the small aperture approximation, one is able to derive a special expression for the scattered field. In this expression a separation of the dependence of scattered field on the source location and the distance source-target is performed. This allows us to propose a sampling procedure that characterizes the targets location in terms of the range of a near-field operator constructed from available data. Our procedure is similar to the one proposed by Haddar-Rezac for far-field configurations. The reconstruction algorithm is based on the MUSIC (Multiple SIgnal Classification) algorithm.

Nondestructive testing of the delaminated interface between two materials

F. Cakoni, I. De Teresa, H. Haddar and P. Monk

We consider the problem of detecting if two materials that should be in contact have separated or delaminated. The goal is to find an acoustic technique to detect the delamination. We model the delamination as a thin opening between two materials of different acoustic properties, and using asymptotic techniques we derive a asymptotic model where the delaminated region is replaced by jump conditions on the acoustic field and flux. The asymptotic model has potential singularities due to the edges of the delaminated region, and we show that the forward problem is well posed for a large class of possible delaminations. We then design a special Linear Sampling Method (LSM) for detecting the shape of the delamination assuming that the background, undamaged, state is known. Finally we show, by numerical experiments, that our LSM can indeed determine the shape of delaminated regions.