Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Declared Inria International Partners
We have a collaboration with King's College (Profs Kaspar Althoefer and Hongbin Liu) on soft hydraulic robots with the support of the program North European associate team of the center Inria Lille North Europe (2014-2016)
We have started a collaboration with the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Profs Denis Terwagne, Serge Massar, Marc Haelterman and Guillaume Tillema) on the use of soft robot simulation to build control strategies based on artificial intelligence algorithms (2016-2018)
Informal International Partners
This section includes some recent collaboration. We have initiated research work with Prof. Bordas at the University of Luxembourg on Model reduction with contacts. We are also working with Adrien Escande and with Prof. Yoshida, at AIST Japan, on the simulation of deformable objects in contact and with Prof Miguel Otaduy at URJC Madrid on human hand grasping and manipulation (Conference paper in 2014 and journal paper in 2015).