Section: Dissemination


Chadi Barakat keeps participating to the organization of the Mediterranean Students Days @ Campus SophiaTech. The fourth edition took place on March 9-11, 2016, and the fifth edition will took place on February 28-March 2, 2017. All details on this event can be found at http://univ-cotedazur.fr/events/meddays.

Walid Dabbous contributed to a large audience book on Big Data (“Les Big Data à Découvert”, CNRS Editions, 2017). His participation [29] is on "Networks for Big Data".

Arnaud Legout gave a presentation on Internet Privacy to high school students at Lycée Amiral in Grasse.

Damien Saucez was invited at AuvernIX to give a tutorial on the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) in December 2016.

Damien Saucez was invited in December 2016 to present Future Internet challenges to high school students at Lycée Aubrac de Bollène in the context of “Science culture au lycée”.

Damien Saucez was invited at the Amadeus Global Forum in June 2016 to present the future of Software Defined Networking.