Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
CRE with Orange
One year CRE contract titled “Mise au point d’une méthode d’évaluation de la qualité de service pour le sens montant d’un réseau cellulaire LTE validée avec les mesures terrain” between Inria and Orange Labs have been signed in 2015 end realized in 2016. It is a part of the long-term collaboration between TREC/DYOGENE and Orange Labs, represented by M. K. Karray, for the development of analytic tools for the QoS evaluation and dimensioning of operator cellular networks. Arpan Chattopadhyay was hired by Inria as a post-doctoral fellow thanks to this contract.
Joint Research Lab with Nokia Bell Labs
Arpan Mukhopadhyay was hired by Inria as a post-doctoral fellow within this lab dedicated to the research on communication networks of the future;