Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
In 2016, ERABLE greeted the following International scientists:
In France: Katharina Huber and Vincent Moulton (University of Warwick, UK), Giuseppe Italiano (Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy, various visits), Ana Rute Neves and Thomas Janzen (ChR Hansen, Oslo, Danemark), two members of the LIA LIRIO (Arnaldo Zaha from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and Ana Tereza Vasconcelos from the LNCC, both in Brazil), Susana Vinga and various members of her team (IDMEC-IST Portugal), Tiziana Calamoneri (Sapienza University of Rome).
In Italy: Costas Iliopoulos and Solon Pissis (King's College, London, UK).
In 2016, ERABLE greeted the following internship students:
In France: Audric Cologne, Master 2 (6 months); Irene Ziska, Master Free University Berlin (2 months), Louis Duchemin Master 1 (5 months).
Visits to International Teams
In 2016, members of ERABLE visited the following International teams:
In France: Giuseppe Italiano (Tor Vergata University of Rome), visit to members of the LIA LIRIO at the LNCC in Brazil, visit to the Department of Computer Science of the University of São Paulo and to members of the TecSinapse company in Brazil, Tiziana Calamoneri (La Sapienza University of Rome), Susana Vinga and members of her team (IDMEC-IST Portugal), Rafaelle Giancarlo (Palermo University, Italy).
In Italy: Costas Iliopoulos (King's College, London, UK), Luís Russo (INESC-IST, Lisbon, Portugal), Paola Bonizzoni (Milan-Bicocca, Italy), Rafaelle Giancarlo (Palermo University, Italy).
Research stays abroad
Gunnar Klau spent 9 months starting from November 2015 at the Center for Computational Molecular Biology at Brown University, USA, visiting notably Benjamin Raphael, Director of the Center.