Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Most of the members of ERABLE are Assistant / Associate or Full Professors and as such have a heavy load of teaching. Depending on the country, this represents between 150 to 192 hours in front of a class plus the additional work of preparing the courses and exams, and of correcting the latter. Many are also responsible for some of the university courses at the undergraduate or graduate levels.
More in detail:
Hubert Charles is responsible for the Master of Modelling and Bioinformatics (BIM) at the Insa of Lyon. He teaches 192 hours per year in statistics and biology.
Pierluigi Crescenzi taught 120h (72h of Programming in Java for the undergraduate program in Computer Science and 48 of Distributed Algorithms for the Master in Computer Science) at the University of Florence.
Vincent Lacroix is responsible for several courses both at the University (L2: Bioinformatics, L3: Advanced Bioinformatics, M1: Methods for Genomics, M1: Methods for Transcriptomics, M1: Projects, M2: Bioethics) and at the Insa (M1: Gene Expression). He teaches 192 hours per year in bioinformatics and statistics.
Arnaud Mary taught 109+115 hours in 2016 at the University of Lyon 1 (L1: mathematics; L2: bioinformatics; M1: data analysis; M1: computer science).
Cristina Vieira is responsible for the Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics academic career of the Master Ecosciences-Microbiology. She was awarded an IUF (Institut Universitaire de France) distinction and teaches genetics 64 hours per year at the University and ENS Lyon.
In Italy: Nadia Pisanti taught a total of 104 hours (L1: algorithms and programming; M2: algorithms for bioinformatics).
Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela taught 60 hours of Computing Models (undergraduate class) and 30 hours of Privacy in the electronic society (master class) at Sapienza University of Rome.
Nadia Pisanti taught 72h (24h of Programming in C for the undergraduate program in Computer Science and 42 of Algorithms for Bioinformatics for the Master in Computer Science) at the University of Pisa.
Inria or CNRS Junior and senior researchers as well as PhD students and postdocs are also involved in teaching. Notably Alice Julien-Laferrière (PhD student) taught 6 hours (Jury PEL 4); Hélène Lopez-Maestre (PhD student) and Laura Urbini (PhD student) taught each 64 hours of Mathematics and Statistics at the Department of Biology (undergraduate students); Blerina Sinaimeri (Junior Inria Researcher) taught 12h in Discrete Mathematics at the Master of Modelling and Bioinformatics (BIM), INSA, University Lyon 1, as well as 24h at the Master 2 in Computer Science at the ENS Lyon; Fabrice Vavre taught 25h on symbiosis (L3, M1, M2, University Lyon 1, ENS Lyon, University of Poitiers).
Roberto Grossi also participated this year to the Olympiads in Informatics.
The following are the PhDs defended in ERABLE in 2016.
Martin Wannagat, University of Lyon 1, June 2016, supervisors: M.-F. Sagot, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, L. Stougie.
Alice Julien-Laferrière, University of Lyon 1, December 2016, supervisors: M.-F. Sagot, V. Lacroix, S. Vinga.
The following are the PhD or HDR juries to which members of ERABLE participated in 2016.
Gunnar Klau: Reviewer of the PhD of Arnon Mazza, Tel Aviv University, and of the HDR of Pierre Peterlongo, University of Rennes.
Marie-France Sagot: Reviewer of the PhD of Yoann Dufresne, University of Lille 1, France.
Blerina Sinaimeri: Reviewer of the PhD of Nilakantha Paudel, University of Rome, Italy.