Section: Dissemination
Simone Martini has carried out extended work of scientific divulgation, including
member of the technical committee of Olimpiadi del Problem Solving (at Italian Ministry of Education),;
invited talks (“Il pensiero computazionale spiegato ai manager”, given at `Il codice del futuro', Teatro anatomico dell'Archiginnasio, Bologna, May 2016, and “Pensare computazionale: una quarta competenza dopo scrivere, leggere e far di conto”, given at `Trasformazioni sociali e trasmissione delle conoscenze nell'Università italiana', Bologna, November 2016);
various talks at institutes and workshops on the teaching methods for Computer Science;
coordinator of some initiatives for the `Hour of Code', see and
D. Hirschkoff takes part in several popularization activities in schools, in Lyon (association "Maths en Jeans").
Other duties
S. Martini is a member of the Board of CINI (Italian National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics), designated by the Ministry for Semplificazione e Pubblica Amministrazione, from 2015.
S. Martini has been elected Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, for the term 2015-2018.
D. Sangiorgi has been coordinator of undergraduate studies at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna (Informatica per il Management), till October 2016, when G. Zavattaro has taken over from him.