Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Mario Sigalotti was member of the organizing committee of the Workshop on switching dynamics & verification, IHP, Paris, January 28-29, 2016.

  • Ugo Boscain and Mario Sigalotti were member of the organizing committee of the Workshop on quantum dynamics & control, IHP, Paris, May 23-24, 2016.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Ugo Boscain is Associate Editor of SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization

  • Ugo Boscain is Managing Editor of Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

  • Mario Sigalotti is Associate Editor of Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems

  • Ugo Boscain is Associate Editor of ESAIM Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

  • Ugo Boscain is Associate Editor of Mathematical Control and Related Fields

  • Ugo Boscain is Associate editor of Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Invited Talks

  • Mario Sigalotti gave an invited talk at the “ExQM Miniworkshop: Mathematics of Quantum Control”, Munich, Germany, February 2016.

  • Ugo Boscain gave an invited talk at the conference “Geometric Analysis in Control and Vision Theory", Voss, Norway, May 2016.

  • Ugo Boscain gave an invited talk at the seminar of the Departement de Mathématiques d'Orsay, May 2016.

  • Ugo Boscain gave an invited talk at the conference “Recent Trends in Differential equations”, Aveiro, Portugal, June 2016.

  • Mario Sigalotti gave an invited talk at the Séminaire de géométrie sous-riemannienne, IHP, Paris, June 2016.

  • Ugo Boscain gave the opening talk at the conference “Geometry, PDE's and Lie Groups in Image Analysis", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 2016.

  • Mario Sigalotti gave an invited talk at the seminar of the Dipartimento di Matematica - Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy, September 2016.

  • Ugo Boscain gave an invited talk at the conference “Nouvelles directions en analyse semiclassique", Chalès, France, December 2016.

Research Administration

  • Mario Sigalotti is member of the IFAC technical committee “Distributed Parameter Systems”.

  • Mario Sigalotti is member of the steering committee of the Institut pour le Contrôle et la Décision of the Idex Paris-Saclay.