Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Jean-François Baget, Madalina Croitoru, Fabien Garreau, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Jérôme Fortin, Michel Leclère, Odile Papini, Swan Rocher.

ASPIQ (ASP technologIes for Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information), is an ANR white project that started in January 2013 (duration: 4 years, extended to July 2017). It involves partners from CRIL, LERIA and LSIS. The project coordinator is Odile Papini (LSIS). http://aspiq.lsis.org/

The main objective of this project is to propose:

  • extensions of standard ASP for representing OWL2 tractable sublanguages;

  • new operations for merging conflicting information in this extended ASP;

  • the identification of subclasses of this extended ASP allowing for efficient query answering mechanisms;

  • an implementation of a prototype reasoning system.

  • See Section 6.1 and 6.2 for this year's results.


Participants : Meghyn Bienvenu, Jean-François Baget, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Swan Rocher, Federico Ulliana.

Pagoda (Practical Algorithms for Ontology-based Data Access) is an ANR JCJC (young researchers) project that started in Jan. 2013 (duration: 4 years, extended to August 2017). The project coordinator is Meghyn Bienvenu (initially in LRI, now member of GraphIK). It involves partners from the EPI LEO, the LIG, and the Anatomy Laboratory of Grenoble. http://pagoda.lri.fr/

The primary aim of this project is to address challenges brought by scalability and the handling of data inconsistencies by developing novel OBDA (Ontology Based Data Access) query answering algorithms and practical methods for handling inconsistent data.

  • See Section 6.1 and 6.2 for this year's results.


Participants : Michel Leclère, Michel Chein, Madalina Croitoru, Rallou Thomopoulos, Alain Gutierrez, Swan Rocher, Clément Sipieter, Marie-Laure Mugnier.

Qualinca is an ANR Contint project that started in Apr. 2012 (duration: 4 years, extended to September 2016). The project coordinator is Michel Leclère (GraphIK). It involves partners from LRI, LIG, ABES and INA. http://www.lirmm.fr/qualinca/index8ece.html?q=en/en/home

The main objective is to elaborate mechanisms allowing to:

  • evaluate the quality of an existing document base;

  • maintain a given level of quality by controlling updating operations;

  • increase the quality of a given base;

  • develop generic methods that take into account the quality of a given base (for instance for searching documents or interconnecting bases).

  • See Section 6.3 for this year's results.


Participants : Abdallah Arioua, Pierre Bisquert, Patrice Buche, Madalina Croitoru, Jérôme Fortin, Abdelraouf Hecham, Rallou Thomopoulos.

Dur-Dur (Innovations agronomiques, techniques et organisationnelles pour accroître la DURabilité de la filière blé DUR) is an ANR project that started in March 2014 (duration: 3 years). It is led by IATE Laboratory. http://umr-iate.cirad.fr/projets/dur-dur

The Dur-Dur project develops a systematic approach to investigate the questions related to the management of the nitrogen, energy and contaminants, to guarantee a global quality of products throughout the production and the processing chain. The knowledge representation task of Dur-Dur proposes to map the stakeholders’ objectives into a multicriteria cartography, as well as possible means to reach them, and computes the compatibility / incompatibility of these objectives on the basis of argumentation methods. The research methods used are qualitative and based both on argumentation theory and on Social Multi- Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) theory. They will be extended and adapted to the needs of the project to provide a formal framework of assessment of the various orientations considered for the durum wheat chain.

  • See Section 6.2 for this year's results.

Other projects


Participants : Patrice Buche, Pierre Bisquert, Madalina Croitoru, Bruno Yun.

Pack4Fresh (Sept. 2015 - Sept. 2017) is a project selected in the framework of the GloFood INRA-CIRAD metaprogramme. The multi-year metaprogramme GloFoodS (Transitions to global food security) is dedicated to the investigation of pathways to worldwide food security in a context of competition for land and natural resources, and is jointly conducted by INRA and Cirad, the two leading French research institutions for agriculture. Involving research on crop yield and livestock systems, land use changes, food processing and waste, nutrition and governance, GloFoodS aims at articulating global modeling of food supply and demand, with local issues of production and access to food.

In this context, Pack4Fresh focuses on the big fragility of fresh foods which generates enormous post-harvest wastes, short shelf-life, and constitutes a major lock to their consumption and health benefit. This project aims at initiating an eco-design approach of the post-harvest phase of fresh foods working on the interdependency relation between environmental impact (1) positive for waste reduction, et (2) negative for technologies, which aims at reducing the waste, in order to minimize the ratio between those two parameters.

  • See Section 6.2 for this year's results.

OBDA-KeyVal: Ontology-Based Data Access for NoSQL Databases

Participants : Federico Ulliana, Marie-Laure Mugnier.

OBDA-KeyVal is a one-year PEPS project (JCJC INS2I 2016, funded by CNRS-INS2I) dedicated to Ontology Based Data Access for NOSQL Databases. Its goal is to study the problem of answering ontology-mediated queries on top of non-relational databases, and more precisely Key-Value stores. These are a family of NOSQL databases dealing with data represented as nested-structures (JSON records), processed on distributed systems but also increasingly exchanged on the Web, slowly replacing XML and RDF formats. Key-value stores have been designed with performance and scalability in mind, and this opens the possibility to implement OBDA in a novel and efficient distributed setting. The work carried out in this project builds on our first results published at AAAI 2016 [39], see also Sect. 6.1. We addressed both practical and theoretical aspects of OBDA for key-value stores. First, a prototype of the reasoning framework for key-value stores has been developed by master students (https://github.com/OBDA-KEYVAL/graal-keyval). Second, a novel first-order logic semantics for the setting (in contrast to the former operational semantics) has been defined and investigated from a decidability viewpoint. This still ongoing work is a necessary step towards bridging this setting with the relational OBDA.