Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Ayman Aljarbouh's PhD is partially funded by an ARED grant of the Brittany Regional Council. His doctoral work took place in the context of the Modrio (completed in 2016) and Sys2Soft (completed in 2015) projects on hybrid systems modeling. Ayman Aljarbouh is working on accelerated simulation techniques for hybrid systems. In particular, he is focusing on the regularisation, at runtime, of chattering behaviour and the approximation of Zeno behaviour.

  • Benoît Caillaud and Aurélien Lamercerie are participating to the S3PM and SUNSET projects of the CominLabs excellence laboratory  (http://www.s3pm.cominlabs.ueb.eu/). This project focuses on the computation of surgical procedural knowledge models from recordings of individual procedures, and their execution  [31]. The objective is to develop an enabling technology for procedural knowledge based computer assistance of surgery. In this project, we demonstrate its potential added value in nurse and surgeon training [9], [5].