Section: Dissemination
Scientific events: organizing committees
Member of organizing committees
IBIS members | Conference, workshop, school | Date |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Fifth International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB 2016), Grenoble | October 2017 |
Hidde de Jong | CompSysBio: Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology, Aussois | March 2017 |
Delphine Ropers | Séminaire de Modélisation du Vivant (SeMoVi), Lyon and Grenoble | 2016 |
Scientific events: selection committees
Chair of conference program committees
IBIS member | Conference, workshop, school | Role |
Eugenio Cinquemani | European Control Conference (ECC 2016) | Associate editor |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Fifth International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB 2016) | Program chair |
Hidde de Jong | International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB 2016) | Area chair |
Member of conference program committees
IBIS member | Conference, workshop, program |
Eugenio Cinquemani | HSB 2016, SASB 2016 |
Hidde de Jong | ISMB 2016, ECCB 2016, HSB 2016, FOSBE 2016 |
Delphine Ropers | JOBIM 2017 |
Member of editorial boards
IBIS member | Journal |
Johannes Geiselmann | Frontiers in Microbiology (review editor) |
Hidde de Jong | Journal of Mathematical Biology |
Hidde de Jong | Biosystems |
Hidde de Jong | ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
Scientific evaluation and expertise
IBIS member | Organism | Role |
Johannes Geiselmann | BGene | Member scientific advisory board |
Johannes Geiselmann | ANR | Member of selection committee |
Johannes Geiselmann | INRA | Member of scientific advisory committee Microbiologie, Adaptation, Pathogénie |
Johannes Geiselmann | UMR5240 CNRS-UCBL-INSA-BayerCropScience | Member scientific council |
Johannes Geiselmann | ARC1, Rhône-Alpes region | Member scientific committee |
Hidde de Jong | International Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) | Member selection and review committees |
Hidde de Jong | Microbiology and Food Chain Department, Inra | Member scientific council |
Hidde de Jong | BGene | Member scientific advisory board |
Hidde de Jong | HCERES | Member of evaluation committee of TAGC laboratory (UMR U1090), Marseille |
Recruitment committees
IBIS member | Organism | Recruitment |
Hidde de Jong | Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris | Full professors in systems biology, applied to microbiology and to physiology |
Delphine Ropers | Inria Lille | Chargés de recherche (jury d'admissibilité) |
Delphine Ropers | Inria | Chargés de recherche (jury d'admission) |
Delphine Ropers | INSA de Lyon | Assistant professor |
Invited talks
Eugenio Cinquemani
Title | Event and location | Date |
Reconstruction of promoter activity statistics from reporter protein population snapshot data | Seminar at Control theory and systems biology laboratory, D-BSSE, Basel, Switzerland | January 2016 |
Identifying variability of gene expression dynamics from time-course data | Seminar at IBM Research Center, Zurich, Switzerland | January 2016 |
Reconstruction of promoter activity statistics from reporter protein population snapshot data | Seminar at Automatic control laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | January 2016 |
Inference of regulatory networks from time-series reporter gene data: The case of promoter regulation in the E. coli motility network | Invited talk at workshop on Static Analysis in Systems Biology (SASB 2016), Edinburgh, UK | September 2016 |
On observability and reconstruction of promoter activity statistics from reporter protein mean and variance profiles | Presentation at 5th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB 2016), Grenoble | October 2016 |
Hidde de Jong
Title | Event and location | Date |
Natural and synthetic control of growth rate and gene expression in bacteria | Seminar Centre de Biologie Intégrative de Toulouse | February 2016 |
Natural and synthetic control of resource allocation in bacteria | Seminar MIRA institute, University of Twente, the Netherlands | July 2016 |
A synthetic growth switch based on controlled expression of RNA polymerase | Presentation at 17th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2016), Barcelona, Spain | October 2016 |
Natural and synthetic control of resource allocation in bacteria | Journée Biologie des systémes BiLille, Lille | November 2016 |
Johannes Geiselmann
Title | Event and location | Date |
Growth control in bacteria | Seminar at CPBS Montpellier | June 2016 |
Nils Giordano
Title | Event and location | Date |
Dynamical allocation of cellular resources as an optimal control problem: Novel insights into microbial growth strategies | Talk during annual meeting of working group GT-BIOSS, Lyon | July 2016 |
Stephan Lacour
Title | Event and location | Date |
Direct versus indirect gene regulation by the stress response SigmaS factor | Seminar Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble | February 2016 |
Identification of novel curli regulators in Escherichia coli | Poster at Biofilms7, Porto, Portugal | June 2016 |
Quantification of non-coding RNAs in bacterial cells using a Broccoli aptamer | Poster at 8th Bordeaux RNA Club Symposium & Aptamers in Bordeaux | June 2016 |
Aline Métris
Title | Event and location | Date |
What does it take for a foodborne pathogen to survive a pinch of salt? Bioinformatics and systems biology approaches to model food safety | Invited researcher seminar Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | December 2016 |
Modèles et –omics pour mieux comprendre la réponse des pathogènes alimentaires au stress osmotique | INRA Avignon | December 2016 |
Delphine Ropers
Title | Event and location | Date |
Adaptation of E. coli growth to environmental cues: global control of gene expression and post-transcriptional regulations | Institute for Food Research, Norwich, UK | March 2016 |
Adaptation of E. coli growth to environmental cues: global control of gene expression and post-transcriptional regulations | Journées INRA-Inria, Mallemort | October 2016 |
Research administration
IBIS member | Committee | Role |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member Comité des Emplois Scientifiques (CES) |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member Comité des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques (CUMI) |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria | Member Comité Administrative Paritaire (CAP) |
Johannes Geiselmann | Department of Biology, Université Grenoble Alpes | Member scientific council |
Hidde de Jong | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member scientific council |
Hidde de Jong | Inria | Member working group on International Relations of Conseil d'Orientation Scientifique et Technique (COST) |
Delphine Ropers | Inria | Member of Commission d'évaluation d'Inria |
Delphine Ropers | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Référente chercheurs |
Delphine Ropers | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member of Comité des études doctorales (CED) |