Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Ilaria Castellani co-organised (with Mohammad Reza Mousavi) the workshop TRENDS 2016, which took place in Québec City in association with the CONCUR conference.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Ilaria Castellani participated in the organisation of the 2nd Summer School of the BETTY project, which took place in Cyprus.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Ilaria Castellani served in the programme committee of the workshop EXPRESS/SOS 2016.
Tamara Rezk served in the programme committee of POST, SEC@SAC, PLAS, IEEE SecDev, and APLAS 2016.
The team members have been reviewers for FSTJCS conference, SEC@SAC conference, USENIX Security 2016, POST 2016, NDSS 2016, and CCS 2016.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Ilaria Castellani is a member of the editorial board of the french journal Technique et Science Informatiques.
Tamara Rezk is a member of the editorial board of the french journal Interstices.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The team members have been reviewers for the international journals JLAMP (Journal of of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming), LMCS (Logical Methods in Computer Science), International Journal of Information Security (IJIS), EEE TDCS, and ACM TISSEC.
Invited Talks
Manuel Serrano gave a presentation on "Diffuse Web programming" at The Open Source Innovation Spring 2016 (
Nataliia Bielova has been invited to give a talk on Price discrimination of Online Airline Tickets at the Collaborative Action on the Protection of Privacy Rights in the Information Society (CAPRIS) project meeting, Sophia Antipolis, France.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Ilaria Castellani is the chair of the IFIP TC1 WG 1.8 on Concurrency Theory since May 2014. In this quality, she co-organises every year (together with the WG Secretary Mohammad Reza Mousavi) the annual business meeting of the working group as well as the workshop TRENDS, which is always affiliated with the CONCUR conference. Ilaria Castellani was a member of the european COST Action IC1201 BETTY on Behavioural Types (October 2012-October 2016). She also belonged to the Management Committee of BETTY and was the chair of its working group on security. Ilaria Castellani is a member of the COST Action IC1405 on Reversible Computation (November 2014-November 2018). She is also a deputy Management Committee member of this action.
Nataliia Bielova has co-organised a Dagstuhl Seminar on Online Privacy and Web Transparency ( with researchers from Telefonica (Spain), Stony Brook University (USA) and Princeton University (USA).
Nataliia Bielova is a member of the W3C Tracking Protection Working Group. This group works towards creating a “DoNotTrack” specification. Its goal is to help users express their preferences on third-party tracking and help companies ensure their compliance with the specification.
Scientific Expertise
During 2016, Tamara Rezk has been an international research proposal evaluator for the following research agencies: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (Foncyt, Argentina), Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI, Romania).